Corruption & Awareness SCOPES IN ICT Polash Datta Founder, foundation for information & communication
TIB & Communication Tools TIB wants to “instigate” “new and innovative direct and indirect means of communication tools to substantially widen and strengthen participation in anti-corruption activities.”
TIB does not have a blog. Right now Youtube is not accessible in Bangladesh. TIB is on Twitter since 5 th April, Number of tweets 2. Followers: 3. Following: 20. TIB on social channels TIB has a Fanpage with 713 Fanbase.
Sustaining TIB campaign TIB can use the following social media channels for ICT based sustainable campaign: Facebook Youtube Blog Twitter
Facebook as a Tool Facebook has a user base of more than 2.9 million in Bangladesh. So Fanpage could be the potential awareness and communication tool. Youth could be reached easily via the Fanpage as 49% of Facebook users are aged from years. Fanpage activity also builds peoples’ confidence on your organization, initiatives and campaigns.
Facebook as a Tool TIB can make it easier for people to report corruption using the Fanpage. If the reporting tool is available only on TIB website, you cannot reach people at their convenient. Because people are not always ready to search for a website to report corruption. TIB can use the Fanpage and other social media channels to collect information on corruption along with its existing reporting tool that people could use at their convenient.
Drawbacks of Facebook There lies some security and image threat for the TIB from people disregard of their relation with the organization. Unrecognized peoples’ activity could decrease TIB Fanpage Like number and Fanbase. Losing potential fans means TIB anti-corruption campaign does not reach the maximum people. To get rid of the threats and hazards you need to learn some tools and techniques that are invaluable in maintaining an organization Fanpage.
Youtube Presence on multi channels always maximize the number of reach. So TIB will be benefitted if it becomes active on Youtube. Everyday people post and watch video on Youtube. TIB can reach the them with anti-corruption video. Reching people on Youtube, who search for Bangladesh or corruption or many other sector related video, is easy with a few techniques.
Blog Blog posts are shared in a fast pace on social networking sites. TIB can leverage its anti-corruption campaign by opening a blog site dedicated to anti-corruption blogging. YES members of TIB could be of good help in establishing such a blog and enhancing anti-corruption campaign.
Twitter Twitter could be a good tool for the YES member of TIB. They can report corruption and irregularities of their respective areas/academic institutions. Twitter could also be useful in collecting information on corruption and irregularities from the non-YES members. Regular tweet with certain hastags (#) would inspire non-TIB tweeter users to tweet with such tags that would convert the Twitter a information gathering tool for TIB.
Twitter Unlike the Facebook, the Twitter does not give users scope to be engaged in chat or viewing photos, playing games etc. So if YES members use Twitter for reporting, they could save their time and physical labour up to a certain a level.
How could FInComm help TIB We can develop a social media strategy for TIB to ensure effective anti-corruption campaign on different social media channels. We can help with training on tools and techniques to ensure TIB and its official’s image on different social media channels. We can maintain different social media channels on behalf of TIB.
Thank You This was our thought on ICT based actions that could enhance TIB efforts in its fight against corruption. We would love to have your feedback. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit