Italy By Jack Ella Merritt
Where is Italy? Italy is on the continent of Europe. In Napoli MT. Vesuvius which is a valcano erupted but luckily did no harm to Napoli.
What Is Italy like? There are beautiful lakes. I love the Italian Alps more than the lakes. Speaking of high mountains Italy has more valcanos then any other place in Europe.
Land and Climate There are lots of mountains. Places on the coast are flat and have beaches. In the winter its cold and rainy. In the summer its like Charleston in the US.
Crops plants and animals Italy’s national animal is the Italian wolf. Italy has the richest farm land in the north. A big part of that is millions of olive trees.
Customs People in Italy love to play soccer. They have won the World Cup 5 times! Italy’s second favorite sport is basketball.
History Many Italians left Italy for good jobs. The Etruscans were one of Italy most successful groups. They created many paintings that are still here today.
Children After school Italians go to the park or play sports.
Flag Italy’s flag is green, white, and red.
Capital Italy’s capital is Rome
Language Italian Italy’s national language is Italian Grazie means Thank you
Money Italy’s money is Euro
Facts Italy is shaped like a high heeled boot kicking a weird shaped ball which is the island of Sicily.