6.191 Introduction Master of Engineering Thesis Project Program Prototyping Research Results Charles G. Sodini, Howard E. Shrobe, Arthur C.M. Chen
6.191 Introduction Motivation Master of Engineering –To better prepare EECS students for the working environment – course work and a thesis project – a transition process –Help students to find a thesis project -- a capstone of MIT education –Help prepare graduates for their 1 st job experience
6.191 Introduction MEng Thesis - Time Frame State-of-art research Career interest Project concept Advisor Preliminary thesis proposal Fall semester Senior Spring semester Senior SummerGraduate year UROP/ RA / (6.192) Familiarize with technology Execute feasibility studies Prepare final project plan - System design, schedule Arrange for financial support Project Execution Detail design Coding/ build hardware Test, demo Thesis writing Final thesis proposal Thesis, Graduation
6.191 Introduction Path to MEng Thesis Exposure to research opportunities at MIT –Lectures by EECS faculties on their research –Explore state-of-the-art research by teams Determine students interests –Technical interests, future career opportunities Define a focused idea –Understand the scope of the idea –Prepare a short presentation Obtain informal research advisor’s approval Write-up preliminary thesis proposal
6.191 Introduction Personal Reflection What are your favor courses, areas? What am I going to do after MEng? –Ph.D., Professional schools, job, vacation? Which MIT labs do I know, which ones I like to know better? How am I going to work with others in a team environment?
6.191 Introduction Some Observations Getting a thesis project is research and akin to getting a job Research for potential thesis projects is a similar process for almost all students Industrial feedback: “lack” negotiation, team working, project management and communication skills
6.191 Introduction Educational Components Breath of Knowledge –Build prototypes based on state-of-art research –Exposure to a variety of MIT research programs – part of your “rolodex” for the future Creativity –Develop innovative project ideas based on MIT research Teamwork –Understand research within MIT community –Generate potential opportunities for thesis projects –Self awareness: work in team environment, define scoped project Communications & Project Planning –Team and individual presentations –Preliminary thesis proposals
6.191 Introduction Transition to Work Problem set solving Project synthesis –Understand opportunities presented by advanced research programs –Develop project ideas that can be completed within limited time Obtain faculty advisor’s approval (time &$$) –Communicate your idea effectively –Present your capabilities credibly –Akin to a “job search”
6.191 Introduction Course Plan - Preliminary
6.191 Introduction Some Past MEng Thesis Projects/Proposals Web Browser/Linux application on PDA’s Resource Manager in Intelligent Room Reverse Engineering TIA chip for Atari Extend “Alloy” for modeling web applications Spoken Language System for Mandarin Chinese Data acq./signal processing for DNA sequencer Improve efficiency in organic LED’s Using mobile devices for patient care Database for W3 medical records Sketch recognition system for workspace/ AIL
6.191 Introduction Who are We Prof. Charlie Sodini: MTL, research: mixed signal & communication systems, teaches: IC circuits & devices; co-founder: Small Camera Tech.; President, IEEE Solid State Circuits Society. Dr. Howie Shrobe: Assoc. Dir., AI Lab., research in intelligent spaces (Proj. Oxygen), Director, DARPA Programs; Director, VLSI Design, Symbolics. Tech. Staff, Honeywell. Dr. Art Chen: (MIT VIA), retired GE Executive: Director, Information Systems Lab, Corporate Liaison to CMU, Proj. Manager: CT scanner, GE Corporate R&D; SVP, CEO, start-ups, venture investor, Fellow, IEEE.
6.191 Introduction Team Approach to Identify Opportunities Form small teams (3-4 per team) –Understand research programs of various MIT research labs -- FASTER –Brainstorm on possible project opportunities -- MORE –Limited simulation of “real” work experience How to form teams –Collect student data: name, interest, contact info, etc. –Assign students to teams –Assign roles among team members MIT Collaboration Toolbox – a web-based tool
6.191 Introduction Simulate Work Experience Directed goals: –Understand research programs of labs –Generate possible project ideas Coach and monitor team outputs –A framework for team action -- Collaboration Toolbox –Brainstorm project ideas –Review team outputs – presentations Develop individual thesis project proposals –Specific project ideas –“Market” proposed project and student to specific advisor
6.191 Introduction Information for Team Formation Name, address, phone number EECS major, interested areas and courses Research lab(s) of interest, technical area of interest for thesis project Desire role in team, if any: leader, recorder, and time keeper Friends/classmates whom you like to team with
6.191 Introduction Laboratories of Interest LCS: Systems, software/theory, InterfaceW3, CS & biology AI: vision, robotics, language, etc. RLE: electronics, optics, comm./signal process., speech MTL: microelec., nanotechnology, display Media Lab: application of computing to media, etc. LIDS: systems, comm. (optical), control (multivariable) LEES: electromagnetic & electronic (power) systems Others: Material Sci., MechEng, Lab for Financial Eng. –Lincoln Lab: electronics, communications (defense) –Draper lab: navigation & control, space technology
6.191 Introduction Homework Define/understand your goal(s) for as inputs to your team’s objective/ mission statement.