1Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University
3 Array salary index We can build to platform ( php code ) $salary[i] = ? EX. $salary[1] = $salary[3] = But we can’t know. Who’s salary ?
4Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University Array salary Sara Bob Smith John Steve Sara Bob Smith John Steve name We can build to platform ( php code ) $salary[‘name’] = ? EX. $salary[‘Smith’] = We can replace index by name
5Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University
9 trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara 11000
10Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Bob Bob 12000
11Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Bob Bob Smith 15000
12Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Bob Bob Smith Steve Steve 18000
13Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Bob Bob Smith Steve Steve
14Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Bob Bob Smith Steve Steve 18000
15Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Bob Bob Smith Steve Steve 18000
16Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Bob Bob Smith Steve Steve 18000
17Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University trailer header nodes/positions entries Sara Smith Steve 18000
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21Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University String Key StringString Hash Code CompressionFunctionCompressionFunction Hash Function Hash Table Addr.Addr.KeyKeyDataData
22Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University Figure Reference :
23Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University Algorithm get(k): Output: The value associated with the key k in the map, or null if there is no entry with key equal to k in the map return B[h(k)].get(k) {delegate the get to the list-based map at B[h(k)]} Algorithm put(k,v): Output: If there is an existing entry in our map with key equal to k, then we return its value (replacing it with v); otherwise, we return null t = B[h(k)].put(k,v) {delegate the put to the list-based map at B[h(k)]} if t = null then {k is a new key } n = n + 1 return t
24Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University Algorithm remove(k): Output: The (removed) value associated with key k in the map, or null if there is no entry with key equal to k in the map t = B[h(k)].remove(k) {delegate the remove to the list-based map at B[h(k)]} if t ≠ null then {k was found} n = n - 1 return t
25Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University
26Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University
27Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University
28Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University Figure Reference :
Pseudo-code for Insert: 29Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University
30Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University Algorithm preOrder(v) visit(v) for each child w of v preorder (w) Algorithm preOrder(v) visit(v) for each child w of v preorder (w)
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48Master of Computer Engineering Chiangmai University * d = size of alphabet m = size of the string parameter of the operation m = size of the string parameter of the operation
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