Vocabulary retention: A comparison of four methods of learning vocabulary in French. August 2007 By Shirley Stananought Ardmore School
Rationale Nation (1999) need exposure on more than one occasion Quality of the knowledge and the strength of that quality Extra effort will result in faster and longer retained learning Did any of the methods require more effort and lead to more retained learning? How long was learning retained?
Rationale Kachroo(1962) words repeated 7 times in course book were known Crothers and Suppes (1967) in vocabulary learning experiments words were learned after 6 or 7 times My class had the opportunity to learn words 5 times is this sufficient? Nation (1999) strategy for learning vocabulary must be complex Were the strategies tested sufficiently complex to allow retained learning?
Methodology une famille un père une mère un frère une soeur un chat un chien rouge blanc bleu vert un sac une calculatrice une trousse une règle une gomme un cahier un stylo un crayon un livre
Methodology French word – picture French word – English word Mime Notebook Pre and post test 10 minutes each day to learn words Re-tested 5 weeks later
Ranking Pre-testPost testDifferenceWk 6 FirstMime (2.0)Picture cards (19.7) Picture cards (18.0) Picture cards(20.0) SecondWord cards=1 (2.0) Notebook(18.8)Notebook(17.5)Mime(17.7) ThirdPicture cards (1.7) Word cards=2 (18.8) Word cards(16.8) Notebook(16.8) FourthNotebook(1.3)Mime(17.8)Mime(15.8)Word cards(15.1)
Conclusion Picture cards aids vocabulary learning and retention The mime group appeared to retain the words Argued that picture cards and miming require more effort – supports Nation’s theory ‘extra effort will result in faster and longer retained learning’
Conclusion Children given the opportunity to learn the words at least 5 times Average score over the group = 18.7 words Supports the theories of Kachroo (1962) and Crothers and Suppes (1967) Giving the children the vocabulary made the unit easier to teach
Constraints Results based on 26 children of varying ability Research does have a theoretical base Nation (1999) It can be repeated in other classrooms and a comparison made
Next steps Explicitly teaching vocabulary retention methods Strategy has to require effort Teach vocabulary at the start of a unit Allow children at least 5 opportunities to learn words