When Good Services Go Wild: Reassembling Web Services for Unintended Purposes Feng Lu, Jiaqi Zhang, Stefan Savage UC San Diego
The Web Mashup Ecosystem 2
Characteristics of “Mashup” Model 3 Combines data or functionality from more than one source Produces results beyond original service model Re-usability and agility at the expense of encapsulation or clean semantics guarantee Security risks: XSS, CSRF, etc. Existing efforts focus on violations of client’s browser security policy
New Class of Security Concerns 4 Users abuse web services Reassemble web services for unintended purposes at the expense of reputation of service providers Exploit combination of web services to create new capabilities Examples: DoS attack IP address laundering CloudProxy built from unrelated web pieces as a proof of concept
Design Overview 5 CloudProxy: a functional web proxy leveraging existing web service APIs Implemented most used HTTP methods: GET/POST Design approaches: Focus on public APIs that allow web content retrieval Re-write request to fit API requirement if necessary Assemble response to provide transparent web access Cloud Proxy Web mashup
The Process of Downloading a Webpage 6 1. URL DNS Server 2. ip for sysnet.ucsd.e du Web Server 4.get http/1.0 5.http 302 redirect: 6.get http/1.0 7.HTTP/1.0 OK index.html 8. get images, javascripts, css, and etc 9. return images, javascripts, css, and etc Image URL: + sysnet.ucsd.edu/sysnet/ photos/banner.jpg Index.html … …
HTTP GET 7 Google spreadsheet API ImportData(“ Only works for ASCII content Google content server API (non-ASCII content) opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy?url=xxxx&co ntainter=###
HTTP Redirection 8 Facebook developer debug info API
HTTP POST 9 Google gadget caching API
Summary of Attacking Vectors 10 Facebook developer debug info API Google spreadsheet API =ImportData(“url”) Google content server API focus.opensocial.googleusercontent.com/gadgets/proxy/url?=x xx&container=### Google gadget caching API URL shortener API ”
Overall Architecture Design 11
Evaluation 12 Web Tasks Performed HTTP Post IP Hiding Video Viewing HTTP Redirect Spreadsheet Demo Bing Search All host machines are owned by either Facebook or Google!
Security Implications 13 Web content provider: Bypassing IP based content restriction End users: Anonymous web access Black hats: Aiding DoS attack Web service provider: Wasting storage and network resources
Summary 14 Unrelated web services can be easily combined to create new undesired services abuse Web services Demonstrated a functional Web proxy based on public web services Object size <= 10MB Does not support cookie Potential security risks Lack or difficulty of security policy enforcement of web services
15 Thank you!
API Friendly URL 16 URL shortener API
Example of IP based Content Restriction 17