Mobile Challan System for Traffic Police
About mChallan system is a palm top based application mainly device for Traffic Police Application can be accessed on any Android based Mobile/Tablet Real time application integrated with centralized server Query for traffic violations over last six month List of traffic rules and the fine against each Instant generation of Challan / Receipt using bluetooth printer / Instant SMS to Owner mobile/ Traffic Inspector can check the detail/history of vehicle just by entering Vehicle Registration Number
System Requirement Hardware: Android enabled device Bluetooth Printer GPRS (SMS and ) Software: Android Ver 2.2 or latest
Development Software: ASP.Net (C#) Xamarine Database: SQLLite SMS Gateway: MobileSeva (CDAC)
How it works? Vehicle No. entered in Mobile phone Detail of vehicle requested from serve over GPRSr GSM Base station Traffic Police Vehicle Mobile Phone DL Enter Vehicle No DL History of DL offence AarakshiA pplication Server Traffic Police Server Central Server Detail of vehicle send by server
Features mChallan system can be installed on GPRS enabled devices like mobile phones, tablet or any Android based devices. mChallan works both Online and Offline (Mobile database). System should sync the data to a remote server after working offline. Traffic rules and fines against each violation are maintained in a central database. Violation history stored for each vehicle & driver and can be check any time. History violations accessed just by entering the vehicle number or driver license number. Printing of Challan through Bluetooth Printer with SMS and
Dependencies GPRS is required for online synchronization of data to central server Bluetooth Printer for Printing of Challan
Challenges Proper training to police personnel
Assumption Integration of payment gateway for the payments of Challan amount on site or through website. Integration of facilities like Signature (Police Personnel) and capturing the photo of any violence happening. Integration of system with DTO database to know the details of given Vehicle Registration Number.
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