The European Civil Society and its dealings with the European Institutions.


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Presentation transcript:

The European Civil Society and its dealings with the European Institutions

I. The role of civil dialogue in the EU The search for a participatory democracy Institutional definitions The role of CSOs

The search for a participatory democracy Participation to policy formulation The EU legal framework for civil society participation Gaining legitimacy through civil dialogue Involving the candidate and accession countries civil society in the enlargement process

Institutional definitions Civil Society organization: economic, social operators outside government and public administration NGOs: non member-oriented objectives International focus NGOs platform: cross-thematic co-ordination NGOs networks: thematic co-ordination

European institutions involved European Economic and Social Committee: Advisory body for the Commission and the Parliament. Employers / employees/ Diverse activities components Council of Europe: focus on Human rights. No direct link to EU institutions. European court of Human Rights: linked to the Council

European Institutions relations with SCOs Council of ministers ADOPTS LEGISLATION WITH THE PARLIAMENT TRHOUGH CO-LEGISLATION PROCEDURE Amends legislative proposals from the Commission Defines and implements the EU common foreign policy European Parliament: Chamber Bureau Sanding Committees: Development / of Foreign Affairs / International Trade etc. Proposes guidelines for the legislative programme to the Commission.Request / gives opinion on legislative proposals from the Commission SCOs DG Trade Commissioner Trade policy formulation (WTO) COMMISSION DG Development Commissioner Formulates co-operation policy, co-ordinates relations with ACP DG Enlargment Commissioner Monitors the enlargement process DG External Relations Commissioner Co-ordination of the external activities Interface Council of Europe Other DGs EuropeAid Co-operation Office Implements the external aid instruments CARDS / TACIS / MEDA / Africa / Asia/ Latin America ECHO Humanitarian Aid Office: In charge of implementing and Moitoring humanitarian projects Policy formulation level Policy implementation level

The role of civil dialogue CSOs as dialogue facilitators CSOs as implementation actors CSOs as information relays

II. Origins of the European NGOs networks and platforms The immediate post-war period: networks around the United Nations Networks development around the Council of Europe during the 60’s European and national platforms constitution around the European Institutions Networks and platforms joining into CONCORD

Networks development around the Council of Europe NGOs consultative status (SCOs observers, SCOs communications) The Council direct link to the governement and it’s focus on human rights

European and National platforms constitution around the EU institutions The CLONG creation: a Commission monitored process CLONG creation impact on the national level co-ordination

NGOs Networks and platforms joining into CONCORD Examples of positive impact from NGOs advocacy on the EU institutions Previous NGOs organizational pattern weaknesses -Lack of co-ordination -NGOs double representation -EU institutions financial dependency CONCORD creation (2003)

III.NGOs Platforms and networks structure and mission National platforms European Networks CONCORD

National platforms Mission: REPRESENTATION, information, advice, development education, (activities in the South) Structure: Board, General Assembly, Executive Committee, Secretariat Funding: membership fees, governemental funding Registration criteria: legal status, country bases, min. years of experience, development focused, statutory organs

European networks Mission: ADVOCACY, information, advice Structure: similar to national platforms+ sometimes working groups and steering committee Categories: professional / NGOs. Different families of NGOs Funding: Commission and membership fees

CONCORD Mission Membership (18 national platforms, 15 networks) Structure Funding (75% Commission, 25% membership fees) Registration criteria

CONCORD mission To co-ordinate co-operation among NGOs in order to influence political debate and policy at EU level To improve legitimacy of NGOs as strategic EU institutions partners To ensure stable and quality access to the EU institutions To contribute to capacity building at NGOs level

CONCORD Structure Secretariat

IV. CSOs dealings with the European Institutions Main existing consultation processes European Economic and Social Committee’s role in debate The European institutions Minimum standards and principles for consultation

Main existing consultation processes Macro level - DG External Relations/DG Dev/DG Trade/DG Employment and Social Affairs -ACP-UE Joint Parliament Meso level - Group of 8 and DG Environment -European Initiative for H.R. dialogue -Food Security dialogue (EuronAid) CONCORD –EuropeAid dialogue on funding instruments

The European Economic and Social Committee role in debate The EESC self image as an intermediary position between the SCOs and the european institutions The NGOs conception of the EESC as facilitator of a direct dialogue with the institutions

Minimum standards and principles Welcomed as a first step in the consultations regulation process by the CSOs Target groups:favours European level organizations as interlocutors Feedback mechanisms

V. Challenges in the EU-SCOs dialogue Networks and confederation internal challenges EU institutions – SCOs dialogue Enlargement impact on EU institutions - SCOs dialogue

Networks and confederation internal challenges Search for financial autonomy Establishing joint positions notwithstanding huge heterogeneity National and European levels advocacy activities co-ordination Taking small NGOs into account

EU institutions- SCOs dialogue Eligibility criteria Need for a legal basis and a Commission- wide framework for consultation More informal and flexible mechanisms Improve EU inter-service co-ordination

Enlargement impact on EU institutions -SCOs dialogue A different relation to developing countries Aid structures implementation Capacity building in CSOs

VI. Turkish CSOs prospects Current European funding available Advantages and constraints of joining a network Turkish CSOs access to the EU co-financing scheme Guidance et technical advice

Current European funding available Civil Society development programme European Initiative for democracy and Human Rights Development of H.R., Democracy and Citizenship Education Public Sector- Civil Society Cooperation Programme

Advantages and constraints of joining platforms and networks Increase in advocacy capacities Information and knowlege sharing Technical support Staff and time consuming Financial constraints

Turkish CSOs access to the European co-financing scheme Recent Turkish association law reform Attracting EU funding Legal framework for foreign CSOs - Conditions for establishment - Respect of national law

Guidance and technical advice Guidance for the accession countries: The Trialog project -Aims -Activities

Trialog objectives Linking NGOs Building capacities Raising awareness

Trialog activities Training Joint projects CSOs online database Support in platform constitution

Useful links