Organism Interactions
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? A community is… All the biotic factors within an ecosystem. How do the different populations of organisms interact with one another?
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Competition – Occurs when one or more organisms uses the same resource at the same time – Resources that are often competed for include: Food Water Space Mates Shelter
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem ? When there are enough resources, competition is less fierce. – Populations grow When resources are limited, competition is increased. – Strong usually win – Weak will Move Die
Limiting Factors The factor that limits a population from growing. Possible factors include: Weather Accidents Food availability Water availability Disease Space/territory Mates Competition
Carrying Capacity The largest population an area can support is known as its carrying capacity. A carrying capacity is very effected by limiting factors
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Competition examples – African savanna When it rains there is plenty of water for everyone When there is a drought – Water sources are limited. – Animals become territorial and defend water sources
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Competition examples – Trees in a forest. – Immature forest There is plenty of light so all trees grow – Mature forest Tall trees block the light and smaller trees can’t grow
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Predation – The act of one organism consuming another organism for food. – Predator – The organism that eats other organisms. – Prey – Organism that is eaten by other organism
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Symbiotic relationships: How organisms interact with each other. 3 types: Parasitism Commensalisms Mutualism
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Parasitism – A relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits at the expense of another.. – Host– The organism that is harmed by the parasitic relationship – Parasite– Organism that benefits from the parasitic relationship
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Commensalism – a relation between individuals of two species in which one species obtains food or other benefits from the other without either harming or benefiting the other.
How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Mutualism – association between organisms of two different species in which each is benefited..