Basic Principles of Phlebotomy Part III: Safety & Equipment CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation
Safety Practices: For infection to spread: Infectious substance: HBV, HCV, HIV Mode of transmission Susceptible host CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Modes of Transmission: Parenteral: any route other than the digestive tract Intramuscular Intravenous Subcutaneous Mucosal Ingestion Non-intact skin: chapped hands, cuts, cuticles Percutaneous: needles, sharps Permucosal: mouth, nose, eyes CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Safety Practices: Infection Control: stop the spread of infection CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Safety: Infection Control Hand washing Primary means of preventing spread of infection (especially nosocomial) Minimum 15 seconds, soap, friction Wash hands before and after each blood draw PPE Lab coat Gloves Mask Standard precautions at all times CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Safety: Engineering Controls PPE Sharps containers Safer medical devices CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Safer Medical Devices: CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Equipment: PPE: gloves, lab coat, mask Cleaning agent Alcohol pads: routine Povidone iodine: blood culture collection and blood gases Soap and water: alcohol testing, allergies Cotton balls, gauze CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Equipment: Bandage, tape (use caution with children) Sharps container: Discard needles, lancets Biohazard marking Puncture resistant NEVER recap, bend break needles CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Equipment: 6. Tourniquets: Slows venous blood flow down Causes veins to become more prominent NEVER leave on for >1 minute AVOID rigorous fist clenching or hand pumping (potassium, lactic acid, LD) Latex allergy CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Tying on the Tourniquet: CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Equipment: 7. Needles NEVER reuse a needle NEVER use if shield is broken NEVER recap, cut, bend or break Drop immediately into sharps container after venipuncture Size of needle is indicated by gauge: Larger gauge number indicates smaller needle diameter 21, 23 gauge needles routinely used for phlebotomy CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Needles: Used with syringe system Used with vacutainer system CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Multi-sample Needle: CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Butterfly Needle: CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Butterfly Needle: Most often used with syringe Expensive, thus not used for routine draws Used for small, fragile veins Increased risk of needle stick injury CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Equipment: 8. Tube holder/ vacutainer adapter Threaded Flanges CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Equipment: Syringe Black water proof pen CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Syringe Safety Device: CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Labeling Blood Collection Tubes: Black indelible marker (water proof) Never pencil Legal document Print legibly Required information: 5 items Patient name Identification number Date of draw (mm,dd,yyyy) Time of draw (military time) Phlebotomist signature: first initial, last name CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture
Vacutainer or Syringe? Vacutainer Syringe Most often used Most economical Quick Least risk of accidental needle stick Syringe More control Reposition easily Will see ‘flash’ of blood in syringe hub when vein successfully entered CLS 424 Phlebotomy Student Lab Rotation: Phlebotomy Lecture