Moon Phases
Rules of Moon Phases The moon has 8 phases. The moon has phases because it revolves around the Earth As the moon moves, the amount of sunlight on the side of the moon that faces the Earth changes. This creates the moon phases It takes approx. one month for the moon to move through all 8 phases
Everything always moves right to left on the moon Waning means the light on the moon is growing Waxing means the light on the moon is shrinking
New Moon
Waxing Crescent
First Quarter
Waxing Gibbous
Full Moon
Waning Gibbous
Third or Last Quarter
Waning Crescent
Eclipses Solar Eclipse – When the sun is blocked out by the moon. Can only happen when the moon is in its New Moon Phase Lunar Eclipse – When the moon falls in the Earth’s shadow. Can only happen when the moon is in its Full Moon Phase.
Solar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse