Тhe United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
Check your Check your Tourist Guide “Visiting Britain” 1. 1.There are 4 countries in the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland) The capital of the UK is London The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh The capital of Wales is Cardiff The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast The flag of the UK is white, red and blue The UK flag’s name is Union Jack
Check your Check your Tourist Guide “Visiting Britain” The British house has rooms upstairs and downstairs. 8. The British house has rooms upstairs and downstairs. 9. British proverbs and sayings about homes and houses: Love begins at home. Burn not house to rid it of the mouse. East or West, home is best. Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it. People who live in glass houses should never throw stones. There is no place like home. An Englishman's house is his castle. There is no place like home. Every dog is a lion at home. He has no home whose home is everywhere.
Check your Check your Tourist Guide “Visiting Britain” The British hobbies are pets, reading, pubs, sports (football & cricket), computers, clubs/discos, collecting, travelling, horseracing, fishing, gardening and music. 10. The British hobbies are pets, reading, pubs, sports (football & cricket), computers, clubs/discos, collecting, travelling, horseracing, fishing, gardening and music. 11. Lots of British houses have names and numbers. 12. Easter symbols are colored eggs, chocolate eggs and bunnies, Easter bonnet, 13. Easter plays are Easter egg rolling & Easter eggs hunting.
YOU ARE INVITED… Тhe United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland