Status of III-V and Nano-Scale Photo- Cathodes at ANL The ANL: Thomas Prolier Matthew Wetstein Igor Veryovkin Zikri Yusof Alexander Zinovev Bernhard Adams Klaus Attenkofer Matthieu Chollet Zeke Insepov Anil Mane Quing Peng
Overview Physics & Technological Challenges –Different Applications have Different Needs –The Specific Challenge of a Large Photocathode –Technological Challenges: Price, Simplicity, Materials- Process-Compatibility The Description of the Scientific and Engineering Program –GaN-Family –GaAsP-Family –Nano-Structures The Path: –Sample Preparation –Characterization The Goals and “Measure of Success” Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 2 10/15/09
Physics & Technological Challenges D i f f e r e n t A p p l i c a t i o n s h a v e D i f f e r e n t N e e d s Required spectral response still not clear (main application) Future applications (combination with scintillators) will require response optimization III-V are complex to grow, but: –Full developed industry available for production and production tools –Large efforts worldwide in refining growth-technology –This effort can be a milestone for future device development Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 3 SuffixPhotocathodeInput Window -71GaAsBorosilicate Glass -73 Enhanced Red GaAsP Borosilicate Glass -74GaAsPBorosilicate Glass -76InGaAsBorosilicate Glass NonMultialkaliSynthetic Silica Enhanced Red Multialkali Synthetic Silica -02BialkaliSynthetic Silica -03Cs-TeSynthetic Silica 10/15/09 Hamamatsu:
Physics & Technological Challenges The Specific Challenge of a Large Photocathode Good conductivity layer to avoid charging effects Good homogeneity of the cathode over the full size No “insitu” activation possible -> in vacuum fabrication and sealing necessary Cathode has to be process compatible to sealing process and final assembly Cathode has to work under “relaxed” vacuum conditions The price of the detector will be largely by cathode processing determined Well established doping methods available Foundries with large throughput and wafer-sizes available (process parameters can be developed on lab-sizes systems) High temperature resistivity (about 550C) Emerging nano-technologies are available Industrial standards available (yield, homogeneity) Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 4 10/15/09 III-V are an appropriate approach:
Physics & Technological Challenges T e c h n o l o g i c a l C h a l l e n g e s : P r i c e, S i m p l i c i t y, M a t e r i a l s - P r o c e s s - C o m p a t i b i l i t y Scalable production tools available Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 5 10/15/09 Process parameters can be developed on lab-system and transferred to production systems Complex fabrication (layer-system) will be performed in foundry with quality control Ready-to-mount cathode (on window) will be transported in air, chemically cleaned and finally brought in the vacuum assembly chamber. Activation requires high temperature (~ C) and small amounts of Cs (sub-monolayer)
Description of the Scientific & Engineering Program Physics of Semiconductor Cathodes Interface layer between window/substrate and active area: –Defines how much light gets into the active light (reflection) –Important for compatibility (growth on glass, bonding, transfer printing….) –Conductivity-layer Active area: –Light absorption (multilayer options) –Electron transport (scattering/trapping) –Noise-suppression layers Surface: –Electron escape –Responsible for dark-current –Surface states extreme sensitive to chemical changes 10/15/09 Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 6 The Three Functions of a Cathode:
Description of the Scientific & Engineering Program The Negative Electron Affinity 10/15/09 Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 7 What are surface states:
Description of the Scientific & Engineering Program Tunability of III-V 10/15/09 Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 8 Two “families”: N-based and As-based Wide tunability of band-gap Only for specific materials -combinations NEA available No cross combination of families possible “Good materials” are direct band gap
Description of the Scientific & Engineering Program G a N - F a m i l y Largest variation in band-gap Growth on -Al 2 O 3 (sapphire) GaN NEA-layer exist GaN is UV active Perfect combination would be Ga x In (x-1) N, but: large strain -> high defect density -> large losses Direct growth on ALD coated -Al 2 O 3 (sapphire) glass InN/GaN multilayer system to adjust band-gap and minimize strain Cascade structures? Optimizing surface reconstruction (growth direction, temperature, coating) Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 9 10/15/09 The Challenge The Research Program Jim Buckley & Daniel Leopold (Wash University)
Description of the Scientific & Engineering Program GaAsP-Family Largest family Growth on GaAs substrate GaAs too much red! GaAsP large strain (Similar to GaInN) Alternative: AlGaAs/GaAs multilayer No NEA system known for AlGaAs Finding best bonding or transfer printing technique Optimizing AlGaAs/GaAs film structure and doping profile Surface doping & NEA layer Delta-doping? Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 10 10/15/09 The Challenge The Research Program Xiuling Li and colleagues (UIUC)
Description of the Scientific & Engineering Program Nano-Structures Largest variety of growth combinations Radial and longitudinal growth possible Ion-edging is no issue Not demonstrated (but various groups have projects) Growth on glass is possible Dark current and field enhancement Developing of a delta-doped radial structure Most likely GaInN, first test structures GaAs Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 11 10/15/09 The Challenge The Research Program Jonas Johansson (university of Lund)
The Path: Who is involved? 10/15/09 Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 12 People involved (so far): Klaus Attenkofer Zeke Insepov Matth Wetstein Zikri Yusof (Thomas Prolier) “Bernhard Characterization”: Bernhard Adams Matthieu Chollet Matth Wetstein Berkeley Activity (Ossi) Common Meetings By Matth Wetstein Characterization Group Regular Meeting Technical coordination By Dean Walters Potential sample fabrication: Xiuling Li (UIUC) Jim Buckley & Daniel Leopold (Wash University) Jonas Johansson (first samples are waiting for characterization) “Novosibirsk connection” (Zeke Insepov) Thomas Prolier (ALD and?) Igor Veryovkin Alex Zinovev
The Path: S a m p l e P r e p a r a t i o n Production of “raw-cathode” at collaboration partner (later perhaps also own fabrication capabilities) Cathode Activation in Argonne (currently work on chamber design) Compatible to characterization group Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 13 10/15/09 Standard according Dean Walter Surface cleaning Chamber: HCL at 1mbar Heating Ni-chamber or glass? Simple thermal coating facility Cs-source Insitu in-plane resistivity Insitu QE-measurement Characterization of: Quantitative QE(E) Noise/QE Field enhancement Time response
The Path: C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 14 10/15/09 Characterization: QE(E) quantitative Noise/QE I(E Ph,U external,T) (Photo current) I/µd (Photo current versus absorption) Calibration of simple light sources Timing characterization (up to 8/25/50/70GHz?) Properties: Transportable Fully computer controlled “Bernhard compatible” “small” optical table Progress & Status: Optics components ordered Electronics components ordered Calibration diodes available Data-acquisition system in progress Current design of vacuum system, chamber, evaporators
The Goals and “Measure of Success” Establishing of collaboration and growth of “small samples (1x1cm 2 )” Assembly of high throughput activation/characterization chamber Automatic data-acquisition and analysis system Modeling of timing behavior Demonstration of successful activation of the three cathode systems Demonstration of QE = 15% for the three cathode systems GaN –Evaluation of growth on ALD grown Al 2 O 3 -films –Demonstration and characterization (dark current/QE) of multilayer approach –Standard NEA-approach GaAsP –Demonstration and characterization of transfer-printing –AlGaAs/GaAs verus GaAsP evaluation –Investigating NEA-effect and surface reconstruction/coating effects Nano-structure –Feasibility test (dark current) Large Area Detector Project: 1. Collaboration Meeting 15 10/15/09 First Year: