2015 Redrock Software Conference Keeping the Books: Consultant Payroll Consultant Payroll Options With Iliana Ramos
2015 Redrock Software Conference Why Record Consultants Hours? Recording the time will allow to run reports on how long a consultants may be in your center, it can verify that they did meet with a students, and will determine what their exact pay.
2015 Redrock Software Conference Work Reasons Work Reasons can be utilized to track Payroll hours for Consultants. Consultants can log in and out of your centers in the same fashion as students do with the exception of using a different type of Reason. “Work” Reasons will not display for students, and “Work” Visits will by default be remain hidden on the Log Listing. Work Reasons can be an effective way to track, record, or confirm your Staff’s payroll hours.
2015 Redrock Software Conference Setting the Consultants Account In order to have the consultants record their visits the must be assigned to a “Student ID”
2015 Redrock Software Conference Setting to View “Work Visits” System – “RoundPay” Profile – “Conclude related visits when a consultant concludes a work visit” – “Enter notes on logout for work visits” Group – “Allow User to view work visits on log listing” – “Allow User to Access Payroll Reports” – “Prevent User from Searching WORK visits” – “Prevent User from Creating WORK visits”
2015 Redrock Software Conference Payroll: Consultant/Work Visits By?? The Consultant/Work Visits By Report displays the amount of time a Consultant logged in as consultant for work, and shows the total number of visits and hours for these Work Visits. This report will also calculate total pay amount based on individual Consultant Pay Rate, and can include any Consultant Notes for any Work Visits. Activate the Include Signature Line field to display a Signature line on the bottom of the Report (Name, Date).
2015 Redrock Software Conference Other Helpful Sessions There’s No Such Thing As a Drop-in Appointment Friday at 8:30 am in Papago Q&A: Group Settings and Consultant Records Friday at 1:50 pm in Papago