©2015, College for Financial Planning, all rights reserved. Session 16 From Recommendations to Monitoring – Sample Presentation & Client Communication Skills CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER CERTIFICATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Financial Plan Development Course
Start Recording This class is being recorded so you may review it at a future time. 16-2
Final Steps in Planning Process We have completed Step 3: Analyze and Evaluate Three more important steps in the planning process: 1. Integrating strategies into a comprehensive (or modular) plan and presenting as recommendations 2. Implement 3. Monitor to ensure client is progressing toward goals and that plan and recommendations continue to be appropriate 16-3
Dudella Plan & Presentation The day before, documents and make a phone review of: Goals Net worth and available cash flow Confirm next two appointments 16- 4
Communication Skills Help the client engage higher brain function (reading, synthesizing, and analyzing) by having them read recommendation. When they tell you what they think, they create understanding and ownership. Use questions designed to check client understanding. Lead the client through the decision-making process: issue recognition, clear recommendation, review critical components through pros, cons, and alternatives, ask their decision on each step. Summarize to confirm decisions. 16-5
Oral Presentation Scoring 16-6
Oral Presentation Scoring 16-7
Dudella Plan Presentation The plan will be on the screen; if it’s difficult to read, you may need a printed copy or be able to view it in full screen. The whole plan won’t be reviewed, just like you won’t go through your entire plan. You get to play the client, so please ask questions. 16-8
Implementation 16-9
Instructor Will Screen Share the Plan 16-10
How did I do? Engaging the client in higher brain function: o Reading, synthesizing, analyzing o Creates understanding and ownership Questions designed to check client understanding Lead the client through the process: issue, recommendation, critical components for pros, cons, and alternatives, decision making Summarization to confirm decisions 16-11
Oral Presentation Scoring 16-12
Debrief What worked? What didn’t? What would client reactions be? How is this different from the “real” world of planning? 16-13
Confirmation Questions To make sure I communicated this clearly, can you tell me what you think I said? How would this benefit you? How would this strategy help you achieve your goals? What about the drawbacks could be a concern for you? Which of the features appeals to you most? What could the consequences be of not addressing this issue now? What additional information do you need in order to make a decision? 16-14
Scoring Matrix 16-15
More on the Matrix 16-16
Next Class 1. Work on completing your cash flow projections and executive summary. 2. Bring your cash flow and one recommendation to class during the next two weeks to get feedback and perhaps pre-approval of your cash flow. 3. The goal is to complete the executive summary in the next two weeks. 4. Next class we will cover some common errors in the cash flow and helpful hints in creating a great summary. 5. Remember to change all your file names to include your last name
©2015, College for Financial Planning, all rights reserved. Session 16 End of slides CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER CERTIFICATION PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM Financial Plan Development Course