Job Roles in Film and Television
Director Screenwriter Has the overall responsibility for the way a film or television programme is made. Manages the whole production process. Hours: Varied (Often irregular) Salary: Varied Work includes: Meeting producers, commissioning scripts, planning shoots, hiring cast/crew, directing cast/crew, supervising editing Routes include: Internal Promotions (E.g. Runner, 3 rd AD, 2 nd AD, Floor Manager), Education/University, Film Festivals Researches and develops stories into scripts for feature films, television, and computer games. Hours: Varied Salary: Varied Work includes: Coming up with themes/ideas, researching background material, developing believable plots/characters, pitching scripts Routes include: Courses in creative writing/screenwriting, pitching scripts to agents/producers, screenwriting competitions
Runner Camera Operator Works behind the scenes doing any small or basic jobs to help the production run smoothly. Usually an entry route. Hours: Varied Salary: Varied Work includes: Collecting/delivering equipment/scripts/etc., distributing messages, filing/photocopying, answering the phone and greeting visitors, keeping sets tidy, making tea/coffee Routes include: Seen as an entry-level job, so work experience, apprenticeships, etc. Record images for film, television, commercials and music videos. Use digital or film cameras and follow instructions from the director or Director of Photography. Hours: Varied Salary: Varied Work includes: Setting up and positioning camera equipment, planning and rehearsing shots, following scripts and instructions, choosing suitable lenses and angles, solving technical and practical problems Routes include: Education/University, work experience, working with relevant companies (E.g. Camera hire companies), Showreels
Director Of Photography (DoP) Hours: Varied, long Salary: Varied Work with the director, camera crew and lighting department to create the visual identity, or look, of a film. They manage all aspects of filming. This role requires: an understanding of camera equipment, in-depth knowledge of lighting techniques and how to achieve them, industry experience, flexibility, creativity, attention to detail, ability to give and follow direction, diplomacy, good communication skills Work includes: Working with the different crews to create the desired look of the film, conducting research and preparation relating to the camera, test lenses, prepare equipment, help block shots*, oversees lighting, sometimes operate camera, prepare for following days work, view rushes, attend digital grading Routes include: Degrees in photography/drama/art/film/media, progression through the camera department, work experience *Blocking: Decide exact movements of both actors and camera Darius Khondji: Se7en (1995), Panic Room (2002), The Beach (2000)
Management Roles Management: The process of dealing with or controlling things or people. Under management is also: Financial roles Organisational roles Administrative roles Examples of management roles are: -Accounts: Production accounting, Financial Controller -Catering: Catering crew -Transport: Transport Manager, Transport Captain -Production Office: Producer, Exec. Producer -Casting: Casting director, casting assistant -Locations: Unit manager, location manager -Health and Safety: Unit Nurse, paramedics, paramedical staff -Distribution: Distributor, Sales agent
Financial Organisational Relates to funds management and includes saving and lending money. Deals with time, money, risk and how they are interrelated. Careers available: Accounts (Production accounting, financial controller), Distribution (Distributer, sales agent), Publicity (Unit publicist, unit stills photographer) Require the ability to manage people and objects to ensure deadlines are met. Careers available: Transport (Transport manager, transport captain), Locations (Unit manager, location manager), Casting (Casting director, casting assistant), Publicity (Unit publicist, unit stills photographer) Administrative Consists of the performance or management of an operation, and major decision making. A universal process of organizing resources efficiently to achieve goals. Careers available: Accounts (Production accounting, Financial Controller), Casting (Casting director, casting assistant), Health and Safety (Unit Nurse, paramedics, paramedical staff), Locations (Unit manager, location manager), Transport (Transport Manager, Transport Captain), Catering (Catering crew)
Creative Roles Creative: A person whose job involves creative work Under creative are also: Editorial roles Technical roles Research roles Examples of creative roles are: -Direction: Film Director, 1 st AD -Production Office: Producer, Exec. Producer -Casting: Casting Director, Casting Assistant -Hair and Makeup: Chief makeup artist, Makeup and hair designer -Camera: Camera Operator, Script Supervisor -Performing: Actor, Choreographer -Music: Composer, Music supervisor -Props: Prop Maker, Property master -Script: Script editor, Screenwriter -Lighting: Best Boy, Moving light operator -Construction: Construction manager, model maker -Costume: Costume designer, costume maker
Editorial Technical Editing is the process of selecting and preparing material by correcting, condensing, organizing, and other modifications, to convey correct, consistent, and complete information. Careers available: Editing (Editor, post-production supervisor, assistant editor, title designer, 2 nd assistant editor) Make sure that the technology on-set is working and set up. Often work with the directors to make sure everything is ready for filming to start. Careers available: TV (Transmission engineer, vision mixer), Sound (Production sound mixer, boom operator, sound designer, music editor), Camera (Camera operator, script supervisor), Lighting (Best boy, moving light operator) Research The discovery, interpretation, and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge. Careers available: Locations (Location manager, assistant location manager), Music (Composer, Music supervisor), Transport (Transport manager, transport captain), Catering (catering crew), Casting (Casting director, casting assistant), Costume (Costume designer, costume maker), Props (Prop maker, property master)