Bullying is defined as “the repeated and habitual use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively to impose domination over others.” 4 types of bullying included: Physical, Emotional, Verbal & Cyber-bullying. Bullying involves repeated behaviors such as using domination to harass, threat, or physical assault a victim.
Bullying is NOT defined simply by a conflict or disagreement between students! 9 out of 10 reported cases of bullying result in the matter defined as something other than bullying (disagreements, isolated event, etc.)
Bully video Bully video
Bullying is : A repeated form of mistreatment where the victim cannot defend him or herself An imbalance of power – usually one person is either bigger or older than the other or has a higher social standing (is more popular) and uses this against the other person It can be isolated, but usually repeated A form of abuse Conflict is : All parties have equal power to solve the problem All parties have an equal interest in the outcome Children are of equal size, age or status Conflict is not the same repeated encounter – it usually happens once. A conflict can be resolved by talking or working things out together or with help from an adult.
Bullying education provided to students through guided lesson plans in the classroom Students sign Anti-bullying contracts to help bring accountability to students Reporting of bullying is made easily available to students (hall box, teachers, counselor) Bullying prevention campus events with special guests and visitors to help bring message Bullying prevention partnership between parents and school campus
Concern Reported Investigation (Gathering ALL the facts ) Bullying Conflict Disciplinary actions Conflict resolutions Counseling Anti-bullying contract Stay away contract
Talk with your children! Build a pattern of open dialogue on events of each school day. Encourage your child not to be alone! Get the facts and report the conflict. Learn the difference between conflict and bullying. Repeated patterns should become evident in cases of bullying.
Wikipedia – Great bullying information stopbullying.gov – Great videos for your kids! – National Bullying Prevention Center providing valuable resources and videos for parents and students – Sponsored by Great Schools program, watch the winning videos of the Stop Bullying Challenge!