‘The Silent Highwayman’, Punch magazine, 1858 ‘The Silent Highwayman’, Punch magazine, 1858. What is the artist trying to say about living conditions in Victorian London? How useful is this source? starter activity
How healthy were Victorian towns and cities? LOs TBAT explain why conditions in towns were so bad To analyse sources for their accuracy TBAT assess conditions improved
Look at the picture of a Victorian tenement building Look at the picture of a Victorian tenement building. Write down 5 reasons why you wouldn’t want to live here . What recommendations for changes would you make
Overcrowded Open sewer Cold and damp Not much sunlight No gardens Fire risk Nowhere to hang washing
Your task Study the sources your teacher provides and complete the source table you are given. Which source do you think is the most accurate & why? Write a short judgement What other types of sources should we study to find out about conditions in Victorian towns?
Your task Read the article your teacher provides. Write a definition in your glossary of the term ‘public health’ List 5 reasons why there was so little progress in public health in this period Note down 5 major improvements Extension. How would you convince a Victorian businessman about the benefits of spending money & taxes on public health?
Edwin Chadwick
Dr John Snow 1854, Dr John Snow detected a link between cholera & water supply Used meticulous research, observation & house-to-house interviews Link identified between pump in Broad St. (London) and deaths Dr John Snow
Extension task Cholera is the Greek word for diarrhoea. It was caused by drinking contaminated water. Vomiting and diarrhoea, skin changes to deep-purple, eyes sink into skull. Victim dies of dehydration in 24-48 hours. Why do you think it was so feared in Victorian England?
Your task It is 1875 and Parliament is debating the new Public Health Act. Write to your local MP asking him to support the proposed new legislation. Include the following on at least 1 side of A4: Description of conditions in your town References to killer diseases Explanation of the advantages of improving public health Types of changes you’d like to see
A satisfactory letter – you keep your job A good report – you may well convince your MP with this An excellent report – give the inspector a pay rise! Discusses many of the points on the writing frame – though miss out some, e.g. recommendations Discusses all the points on the writing frame though some may need more examples and further explanation Discusses all the points, makes detailed recommendations, using the evidence from the extract and other knowledge about life Victorian times, e.g. web quest or film notes
Homework Finish your letter for homework. Extension. Conduct some research into conditions in Hythe or Folkestone at the time and include references to these in your letter.
Plenary Define ‘public health’ Name 3 individuals who helped improve public health in Victorian times Give 3 reasons why improvements occurred so slowly Extension. What could be done to improve public health in developing countries today?