Lecture 7c 27 February 2015
ADEK ABSORPTION AND TRANSPORT carriers for both absorption and transport transport-lipoproteins in the blood
FUNCTIONAL FOODS Vitamins do not fit into functional foods as per definition of functional foods since vitamins have “basic nutritional functions” “A functional food is similar in appearance to, or may be, a conventional food, is consumed as part of a usual diet, and is demonstrated to have physiological benefits and/or reduce the risk of chronic disease beyond basic nutritional functions” Health Canada Is the first statement correct?
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS supplementation only if diet does not supply enough or have secondary nutrient deficiencies that diet will not overcome e.g. -Vitamin K Elderly-low dietary intake of vitamin K, green leafy veggies deficit Elderly-antibiotic therapy often depletes Vitamin K producing bacteria
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED required if supplements apparently help with a particular disease however!-toxicity- especially with fat soluble vitamins
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED HEART DISEASE beta-carotene, vitamin E are antioxidants LDL’s content of beta-carotene and vitamin E dictate oxidation of LDL vitamin E - high (non-toxic) doses give decreased platelet function
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED DIABETES Beta-carotene, vitamin E are depleted in diabetes and this is believed to enhance low density lipoprotein oxidation which encourages atherosclerosis
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED CANCER Oxidation of e.g. DNA contributes to cancer and beta-carotene, vitamin E combats this oxidation
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED OSTEOPOROSIS Vitamin D and calcium supplements often given to elderly to overcome hormonally induced bone loss
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED Coeliac disease irritation of small intestine with gluten (a protein part of some grains) –immune response-inflammation-malabsorption Solutions a)eliminate –wheat, oats, barley and rye all of which contain gluten b) ADEK- supplement until heal(via gluten free and/or drugs)
Vitamins as nutraceuticals continued Burn patients regular diet a problem vitamin A-important for skin and immune function
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED SMOKERS antioxidants –beta carotene and vitamin E -hypothesized to combat oxidising agents found in smoke
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED PULMONARY DISEASE Anti-oxidant vitamins-Beta-carotene and E if not sufficient in diet cause increased oxidation due to their antioxidant role
VITAMINS AS NUTRACEUTICALS CONTINUED CYSTIC FIBROSIS fat soluble vitamins inadequately absorbed Vitamins ADEK supplementation via intravenous if necessary (pancreatic function is not able to work in this disease)
WHAT IS NEW IN FAT SOLUBLE VITAMIN RESEARCH ? Veronica Mocanu and Reinhold Vieth Three-year follow- up of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, parathyroid hormone, and bone mineral density in nursing home residents who had received 12 months of daily bread fortification with 125 g of vitamin D3 Nutrition Journal :137 “Once the need for vitamin D has been established, based on a low baseline serum 25(OH)D concentrations, the appropriate action is to maintain corrective vitamin D supplementation over the long term”