PROYECTO: Álbum de recuerdos Student Instructions Overview: Create a scrapbook page featuring photos of your friends and yourself with captions underneath. Give an oral presentation of your scrapbook, describing the people in the photos and telling what they like and don’t like to do. You have the option of creating a scrapbook poster, a Power Point or video to use as a visual during your presentation. Task: 1.CHOOSE: Pictures of friends and yourself. 2.CHOOSE Pictures of activities that you and your friends like to do (at least 3). 3.CHOOSE pictures of activities that you and your friends do not like to do (at least 3). 4.ROUGH SKETCH: Create a rough sketch of your scrapbook page: You will work on your own to create a rough sketch with captions underneath. 5.ROUGH DRAFT: Introduce yourself in Spanish. Describe the people in the pictures. Use statements about yourself and your friends using at least 3 adjectives each. (ex: Soy sociable, Ella es reservada). Write sentences for the pictures you have chosen. These sentences will be used as captions. The captions must include 3 activities you and/or your friends like, 3 activities you and/or your friends do not like. Use vocabulary that indicates how much or how little you like the activities (me gusta mucho, no me gusta nada). 6.CREATE: Create your scrapbook page either in poster, or electronic. 5.REHEARSE: your presentation with a partner. Partners give students feedback about the content, accuracy, and presentation of the scrapbook page. 6.OPTIONAL: VIDEOTAPE your presentation or you can present live in class 7. PRESENT: Scrapbook presentation to class Student Learning Assessment: Students will be assessed on their speaking and presentational skills. Note: A detailed Rubric has been provided for this project
PROYECTO: Álbum de recuerdos Me llamo: __________________________ Bloque _________________ Rubrica CATEGORY 20pts Exemplary 16pts Proficient 13 pts. Needs improvement 10 pts. Unsatisfactory Evidence of Planning You submitted a corrected draft and layout and a copy of the original draft. No misspellings or grammatical errors. Your Visual is very appealing and presentation is thorough You submitted a corrected draft and layout. Three or fewer misspellings and or mechanical errors. Visual is very appealing and presentation is thorough Your draft was written and layout created but not corrected misspellings and/or grammatical errors. Visual is provided but it does not enhance presentation. You submitted no written draft or page layout More than 10 errors in spelling or grammar. No visual provided. Presentation lacks substance Comprehensibility Responses readily comprehensible, requiring no interpretation on the part of the listener. Your scrapbook was easy to read, complete and accurate. Responses comprehensible, requiring minimal interpretation on the part of the listener. Your scrapbook was easy to read. Responses mostly comprehensible, requiring interpretation on the part of the listener. Your Photos/visuals were unorganized Responses barely comprehensible. You included no visuals/photos Fluency Speech continuous with few to no pauses or stumbling.. Some hesitation but manages to continue and complete thoughts. Speech choppy and/or slow with frequent pauses; few or no incomplete thoughts. Speech halting and uneven with long pauses and/or incomplete thoughts. Pronunciation Enhances communication.. Does not interfere with communication. Occasionally interferes with communication. Frequently interferes with communication. Language Control Control of basic language structures. with occasional use of advanced language structures. Interesting, well- rehearsed with smooth and clear delivery that holds audience attention. Uses direct eye contact. Emerging control of basic language structures. Relatively interesting, rehearsed with a fairly smooth delivery that usually holds audience attention. Uses direct eye contact, but still returns to notes. Emerging use of basic language structures Delivery not smooth, but able to hold audience attention most of the time. Uses minimal eye contact, while reading mostly from notes. Uses English Inadequate and/or inaccurate use of basic language structures. Delivery not smooth and audience attention lost. No eye contact with audience. Uses English on more than one occasion.
Greet your audience: _____________________________________. Introduce yourself: _______________________________________. Describe the people in the pictures (use at least 3 adjectives each): (ex: Yo soy sociable, Ella es reservada). _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Captions: (at least 3 likes and 3 dislikes) Use vocabulary that indicates how much or how little you like the activities (me gusta mucho, no me gusta nada, tampoco, también). Write your me gusta statements here: 1.__________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________ 4.__________________________________________________________ Write your no me gusta statement here: 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________ Borrador Use these to help you compose a presentation script and captions.