There are four kinds of bullying and it is Verbal, Physical, Mental and Cyber( on the internet). Bullying is an issue that hurts peoples feelings. NO ONE has the right to bully. This issue is spreading all around the world now.. Bullying is the worst thing to do to anyone.
Have Anti-Bullying Day more often. Invite an organization or foundation that helps prevent bullying and they can have an assembly about it. Get the Adults and children together to have a bullying program in school. Kids have been killed because of bullying in physical terms.
The government could train the teachers for any bullying situation before one happens. The bullying issue relates to the Municipal part of the government. The Municipal part of the government could help by arranging Anti- Bullying Organizations for the schools. The Municipal part of the government could help by keeping their community safe even more than usual.
For the people who are doing a specific kind of bullying that includes theft or stealing, then they shall be arrested. If students do any kind of bullying to students that will harm the kids, they will be suspended or get detention for a whole week. People who do really bad bullying that could violate federal or provincial laws could go to jail or court.
Saskatchewan have found a 15 year old boy who committed suicide in September because of bullying. There was a boy in one of the news articles and he was also 15 years old and he killed himself because people kept on bullying him. When he was in the seventh grade, people tried to stuff batteries down his throat.