Academic Requirements for Duxbury High School Student-Athletes
Athletics = Privilege Participation in interscholastic sports is a privilege. Students wishing to participate must be held to a higher set of rules. Higher academic standards are just one of the rules that student-athletes must comply with in order to eligible to participate.
Academic Eligibility Duxbury High School students’ schedules are 7 credits per marking period. In order to participate in athletics a student must receive a passing grade for 6 credits of classes per marking period.
Marking Periods Academic eligibility is based off of marking periods. There are 4 marking periods per school year. A student becomes eligible or ineligible to participate on the advertised day that report cards are published for the entire student body. A student’s eligibility for the fall season is based off of the final marking period grades of the previous academic year.
Incomplete Grades An incomplete grade is counted as a failing grade until the guidance department changes the incomplete grade to a passing grade. A student may continue to practice, put not participate in interscholastic contests, for a team while in the process of changing an incomplete grade.
Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) The MIAA is the ruling body of high school athletics throughout Massachusetts. The MIAA provides a state wide minimum for athletic eligibility. Each member school may choose to enforce stricter regulations for academic eligibility as well as other rules. Member schools throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have varied academic eligibility rules. Duxbury High School chooses a stricter policy on academic eligibility for its student-athletes.
9 th Grade Eligibility Students entering the 9 th grade are given a ‘clean start’ in regards to athletic academic eligibility. 9 th graders first athletic eligibility review begins the day they receive their report card for the first marking period
Academics #1 Priority Academics are the first priority of all students at Duxbury High School. Students will always be excused from practices in order to receive extra help from their teachers. Never hesitate to ask questions.
READ YOUR HANDBOOK! Academics are just one of the plethora of rules specifically for student-athletes. Students and parents must make sure that they have read and understood the student-athlete handbook. The student-athletic handbook is always available online on the main district web page: