1. What is this course all about?
Learning objectives All students will organise their folders All will understand what the structure of the course is: We will answer all questions that you have about the subject:
Discuss! Why did you do this? What do you aim to get from it?
What is the image of ‘Computer Scientists?’ What do you think?
What is the image of ‘Computer Scientists?’ Draw me one...
You are a small group... My aim: For you to learn more from each other than you will from me. (You don’t want me to stand at the front and lecture – trust me)
Task 1 – Getting organised Folder and Organisation: Your responsibility Your folder is: -Your notes and revision notes (no exercise books) -A way of communication between you and me -A place to collate official mark schemes and paperwork -It needs to be kept up to date
Note taking This course is knowledge is THICK. Make sure that you keep all notes in your folder.
The main difference between Computer Science and what you have done before ICT GCSEComputer Science GCSE -Developing skills using software -Using a computer program to create products to be used e.g in a campaign -Becoming digitally literate -Becoming a responsible and safe user of ICT -How does the computer process the information -How does a computer work -Problem solving -Learning to program the computer in order to do a job – not relying on an existing piece of software to do the job. Therefore for Computer Science: We don’t need fast mega u to date computers – we’re not making posters and movies A lot of the work we do will be abstract and theoretical I will not be able to teach you everything about programming – you will need to self study. (A lot of successful people in the industry will be teach and develop their skills independently outside the classroom)
Course structure 1 – Practical Programming 60% 2 – Computing Fundamentals 40% 2 x tasks of 25 hours each Choose from 4 projects: (1)Traditional Programming (2)Web based application (3)Game (4)Mobile phone APP 1 x External Examination Based on Curriculum 1 hour 30 minute
What’s in the course Rough idea: This will change according to you Year 10Year 11 Autumn 1Theory + programmingControlled Assessment 2 Autumn 2Theory + programming Mock exam assessment Controlled Assessment 2 Theory + programming Mock exam Spring 1Controlled Assessment 1Controlled Assessment 2 Spring 2Controlled Assessment 1 Assessment Theory + programming Summer 1Controlled Assessment 1 Mock exam Theory + programming Assessment Summer 2Theory + programming Final exam
Homework – first term till Xmas Code Academy Become literate in programming Become literate in the language Become literate in the process Become literate in the conventions