Elements of Civilization
Agriculture It produces more certain income than hunting/gathering. It requires permanent settlements. It leads to the ideas of inheritance, family, private property. It enables continuity in history, becomes a cornerstone of civilization.
Trade Agricultural intensification leads to excess produce. Some people trade the excess for other goods and services. Creates division among people – some get a good deal others don’t.
Division of Labour Some people who don’t own land and are not involved in food production and distribution find other ways to receive income. Some products become valued more than others based on demand and supply. Some occupations become considered more important than others – creates division and diversifies society.
Class Structure As a result of the existence of private property, trade and occupational specialization society divides into upper middle and lower classes. The basic relation between the classes is the production and distribution of goods and services. The basic principle is – the upper classes work less and receive more and the lower classes work more and receive less. Sometimes this leads to conflicts between them.
Centralized Government It’s purpose is to resolve conflicts between the classes and create rules that benefit society as a whole. Sometimes it sides with the upper classes and becomes corrupt. When the government is unable to maintain the balance between classes it is overthrown and replaced by a different one.
State Religion / Ideology It provides legitimacy for the Government. Creates a social class of it’s own. Sometimes involved in power sharing or power struggles with the central government. Theocracy – combined secular and religious powers in the hands of one ruler / one government.
Writing and Science They are a product of the division of labour Adds to the permanency of Civilization – enables the keeping of records. Science enables the continuous division of labour in society. Scientific discoveries bring change to society.