GS On line Application Form November-2008 Click to continue
On Line Application Processing The student applies on line through the Banner/SiRIUS system. The applicant’s information is pulled into GSIS and made available to Departments When the information is pulled an is automatically sent to the applicant. A copy of is put into a note to file on GSIS. Click to continue
On Line Application Processing (2) The process involves three parts The on line application form which the student fills out. Processing application with GSIS The paper (transcripts, referee letters, etc.) Paper is first collected by the department Then sent over to the Graduate College Click to continue
Application Fee The application fee should be paid on line by credit card. Funds are automatically accounted – no departmental involvement needed. Applicants who do not have access to credit cards may pay by cheque or money order. All funds should be sent to the Graduate College directly. Click to continue
Application Fee (2) Applications will be made available for departments, even if application fee is not paid. BUT... No application will be processed by the Graduate College until the application fee is paid. Click to continue
Have a look We will now walk through the actual screens that you will see. We will look at the listing on the welcome page. We will look at the information on the application information pages. We will review how to input information into a Note to File. Click to continue
Applications – An Overview GSR 102 Click to go through the presentation. In the current system, the student searches the web The student many times s faculty, grad chair, secretary for information. The student mails the application forms to the department – can take some time. The application fee may or may not be included in the application package. The transcripts and the referee letters are sent to the department. The department s the student to keep in contact and update. Sometimes it is difficult to keep track of what has been said to the student and even what the address is. The Department fills out the GSR 102 (Recommend) and sends it with package to Graduate Studies
New Application Process On Line AppGSIS GSR 102 The student still finds information on U of S on the web. And they will still everyone In the old system, this is where the student would have sent in their application package Now they go on line and fill in the on line application form SESD checks the address and “pushes” the applications into SiRIUS Grad studies then “pulls” the application information into GSIS GSIS s the student and puts the into a Note to File The Department can then see the applicant information in GSIS The Department can now the student by clicking on the student’s BID on the main information page. The student can pay their application fee on line. And now Graduate Studies takes care of the application fee accounting. As before the transcripts and referee letters still come to the dept to forward to Grad Studies The department updates GSIS to show they have accepted the student and sends the application package to Grad Studies But now you do not have to fill out a GSR 102 When you send over the application package just print off a sheet from GSIS as a cover sheet. Now we will look at the individual screens so you can see what it will look like
This is what the GSIS welcome page looks like now.
Notice a new addition – it will show how many applications are in the “Application Created Online” status. Just click here to see the applications
Notice the Admission Status International or Domestic The term they wish to start (in Bannerize) Has the student paid the application fee? Remember the application will NOT be processed by Graduate Studies unless the application fee is paid. Click to continue As in other lists in GSIS you click here to see more information on the applicant.
Here we are on the APPLICATION VIEW page. You may the student at their current address by clicking here. (even if it is not UofS) Again here is the information on the Application fee and the Term they wish to enter. We will look at the following sections in more detail. These tables reflect the information that used to be on the paper on line application forms.
This information is from the top part of the old paper application – academic information The Post Secondary degrees are listed here – therefore you should be expecting these transcripts from the student.
This is where tests like GMAT will be listed by the student – these will have to be verified by the department. address for the referees should be listed here – click to the referee. Landed Immigrants will be required to show their documents at student central before their residency is moved to domestic.
Information on their language background is listed here. This is the end of the information from the on line application filled in by the student. Notice that there is a note to file “GSIS: sent to applicant” This is the that GSIS automatically sends to the student when the application information is “pulled” into the GSIS.
Douglas Dombrosky This is what the looks like (and this is how it looks as a note to file as well). The wording has been changed slightly in production.
To move the application along in the approval you are going to have to change the admission status of the application. You can start by clicking here Or here on “Change Admission Status”
Here is the Change Status page with the options available. You are strongly encouraged to move the applications from “Application Created ON LINE” to “Department awaiting application information” Now we will move to calculation and insertion of the Admission averages When you are ready to approve you need to click on the circle to pick the status After you change the status – it would be a good time to the student to give them your and land address and what they need to send. Then click submit to change the status Changing status will help keep the application number on the welcome page down AND more accurately reflect what is happening with the application
Applications Calculation and insertion of Admission Averages For simplicity we will use the Canadian Conversion sheet with an average student Then we will paste the information into a Note to File on GSIS
A Canadian Conversion Highlight the area – then copy the area for pasting into a Note to File Now we will paste it into a Note to File
We all recognize the Note to File screen from GSIS Remember we have copied the admission average calculation from the spreadsheet. Click on this button to insert the copied material – it will format the material better.
Paste the information into the window that pops up. Then click on “Insert”
It will show up looking something like this. You have to set the Note Type to “_department” and the Note Category to “Admission Average” Then Click to Save It is useful to state what the admission average was calculated to be.
Notice that sometimes the application information is not available. The Note to File shows up on the Application View screen
Now we will print out the application informationSimply Click the Link
You might have to seek IT help if you have trouble downloading the PDF. It looks like the old paper application on purpose. DouglasDombrosky GSIS will download a PDF to your desktop
Summary student as soon as they show up on GSIS Set the admission status to “Dept awaiting info” when waiting for info from student. Gather the documentation Calculate Average – put on GSIS Make a decision Reflect decision on GSIS Print cover sheet (No GSR 102 required) Send over to Graduate College
Other Items: For Conditional or Probational admissions Put the conditions into a Note to File Note Category: “Admissions” or “Admission Conditions” depending Other Admission requirements: Again put into a Note to File.
If you have any questions Please contact: Douglas Dombrosky This ends this training presentation.