Seth Weinberg Acknowledgements: Xiao Wang, Yan Hao, Gregory Smith Stochastic modeling of calcium-regulated calcium influx and discrete calcium ions Seth Weinberg Acknowledgements: Xiao Wang, Yan Hao, Gregory Smith
Motivation Calcium plays a key role in regulating cell signaling processes, such as myocyte contraction and synaptic transmission Due to the small number of channels in a release site (~20 – 100), stochastic fluctuations can influence overall dynamics Resting concentrations 100 nM and subspace volumes on the order of 10-17 – 10-16 L ~0.6 – 6 calcium ions Hypothesis: Fluctuations due to small number of ions can also influence dynamics, perhaps induce sparks
Model formulation Markov chain model of a calcium-regulated calcium channel Calcium modeled by a continuous differential equation
Complications using Markov chains For N channels and M states per channel b(20, 2) = 21 b(20, 3) = 231 b(20, 4) = 1771 b(20, 12) = 5.7e8
Chemical Langevin Equation General equation for M reactions Two-state channel fraction of open channels
Including discrete calcium ions Elementary reactions Calcium-binding to the closed channel opens the channel Calcium fluxes into and out of volume
Langevin formulation Stochastic differential equations:
Integration techniques Not so simple to integrate stochastic differential equations! Ito vs Stratonovich calculus – different assumptions regarding Riemman integrals, leads to different integration techniques, not equivalent Euler method is simple Other methods, complex to implement
Sample problem Analytical solution
Matlab simulation Euler, Milstein, stochastic RK4
Sample simulation N = 20 channels, Wds = 10-17 L
Calcium spark scores Parameter space for one set of parameters