Building Data-Driven Marketing Programs Understanding Audience Behavior MARKETING EDUCATION SERIES Building Data-Driven Marketing Programs: Understanding Audience Behavior Tuesday, May 6 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, & 3:00 pm
So Many Choices… Virtual Events Podcasts White Papers Editorial Digest Buyers Guide Newsletters Banners Text Links Websites Apps SEO/SEMSocial Media Magazines
Integration vs Limitation 3 No singular medium is “better” than another – They are different to solve different needs The key is to let your marketing objectives drive the correct media mix Evaluate on six performance variables
AWARENESS PERCEPTIONS POSITIONING PREFERENCE THE FULL UNIVERSE OF CURRENT & FUTURE PROSPECTS The integrated media pyramid … Contains a MIX of less complex and more complex media to drive products (brands) through the brand adoption process MORE complex media LESS complex media Depth of impression per contact Frequency of contact Span of contact Frequency of contact Opportunities for qualified lead gen Opportunities for discussion/interaction
Integrated Media Pyramid 5 85% of OFFSHORE and OIL & GAS JOURNAL READERS say that prior to seriously considering a different vendor or meeting with their rep, they prefer to have already gained insight into the company or product via its communications programs – advertising, promotions, and sponsorships Source: 2013 Offshore /OGJ Readership Study
Integrated Media Pyramid 85% of OFFSHORE and OIL & GAS JOURNAL READERS say that prior to seriously considering a different vendor or meeting with their rep, they prefer to have already gained insight into the company or product via its communications programs – advertising, promotions, and sponsorships Source: 2013 Offshore /OGJ Readership Study 6
Integrated Media Pyramid 7 85% of OFFSHORE and OIL & GAS JOURNAL READERS say that prior to seriously considering a different vendor or meeting with their rep, they prefer to have already gained insight into the company or product via its communications programs – advertising, promotions, and sponsorships Source: 2013 Offshore /OGJ Readership Study
Integrated Media Pyramid 8 85% of OFFSHORE and OIL & GAS JOURNAL READERS say that prior to seriously considering a different vendor or meeting with their rep, they prefer to have already gained insight into the company or product via its communications programs – advertising, promotions, and sponsorships Source: 2013 Offshore /OGJ Readership Study
How Do You Select the BEST Solution? It depends on a few key things... – Your marketing objectives – Your success criteria and… The latest user behavior data 9
2013 READERSHIP SURVEY Offshore and Oil & Gas Journal Audience Responses Offshore and Oil & Gas Journal Audience Responses 10
Overview of PennWell Petroleum Group’s Research Study Purpose: Evaluate website, newsletter, and magazine usages and preferences Participant criteria: all active subscribers (magazine and newsletters), website visitors, and followers on social media 11
Respondents Profile 60% OF THE RESPONDENT S HAVE PURCHASING AUTHORITY of our the respondents have over 20 years industry specific experience 48% Petroleum Readership Survey 65% of the respondents were between the ages of 30 and 60 12
Our Audience Relies On a Variety of Media Channels Petroleum Readership Survey 13
Media Channels Vary During The Buying Process Petroleum Readership Survey At which stage in your buying process do you use the following types of media? 14
For business purposes, how has your use of the following media changed in the last year? Changing Media Consumption Increased Petroleum Readership Survey 15
of the Petroleum audience stated that they are more likely to evaluate products and systems from alternative vendors, compared to 4-5 years ago (i.e. those you have not purchased from in the past) Buyers Are Evaluating New Vendors Key takeaway: Key takeaway: ─This highlights the importance of developing a marketing strategy to ensure you stay top-of-mind and are considered during their evaluation process 56% Petroleum Readership Survey 16
Marketing Communications is Essential for Consideration Prior to seriously considering a different vendor or meeting with their rep, do you prefer to have already gained insight into the company or product via its communications programs (i.e. advertising, promotion, sponsorships, etc.) Key takeaway: Key takeaway: ─Consistent advertising will ensure you are being considered, especially knowing that 56% of the Petroleum audience is more likely to evaluate new vendors this year! Yes 85% ReasoningResponse I can be more knowledgeable in the questions I ask 71% Lets me know what the company stands for (experience, performance, support, etc.) 69% Gives me perspective about where their products fit versus their competitors 67% Gives me more assurance that the vendor might meet our needs 59% Helps me decide whether or not we should contact the company 56% I feel more confident discussing the solutions with the company 54% Petroleum Readership Survey 17
What Matters to the Buyer? Please rate the following criteria for their importance in making purchasing decisions Key takeaways: Key takeaways: ─Are you focusing on the key criteria buyers use? ─Brand loyalty isn’t going to cut it any more! It was the least important, by far! Petroleum Readership Survey 18
Buyers Respond To Magazine Advertising Took action after seeing an ad in a PennWell Petroleum print magazine Fact: 87% of the respondents said they are very likely or somewhat likely to click on an online ad if they have seen you before in an industry magazine 83% 90% Took action after seeing an ad in a PennWell Petroleum digital magazine Petroleum Readership Survey 19
Buyers Respond To Magazine Advertising What actions have you taken as a result of viewing an advertisement in this print magazine or digital magazine? (check all that apply) Source: 2013 Offshore Readership Survey Petroleum Readership Survey 20
Key Takeaways – Make sure you are creating messaging that resonates with the audience to ensure maximum impact! Getting The Buyers Attention What features make you want to read an advertisement, and/or take an action in this print magazine and digital magazine? (Check all that apply) Source: 2013 Offshore Readership Survey Petroleum Readership Survey 21
How Buyers Use Petroleum’s Magazines 55% 73% 55% Catch up on news Learn from case studies Print Magazine Obtain essential technical information 53% 69% 49% Catch up on news Get information to do my job better Obtain essential technical information Digital Magazine Petroleum Readership Survey 22
Why Buyers Visit Petroleum’s Sites Petroleum Readership Survey 23
24 Industry Websites Are the Most Trusted 53% 72% Click on ads on Google Fact Petroleum Readership Survey Click on ads on Industry Websites Key Takeaway: Advertisements on industry websites are trusted more than anywhere else 24
Fast Growth Areas 25
Growth in Internet Users Source: Fact Facts: This is a 1.3M increase from the end of Given the world’s population that means over 35% of the world uses the internet. 26
Which of the following devices do you currently own or plan to buy in the next 12 months? Mobile Device Ownership Petroleum Readership Survey Facts: The top content our audience is accessing on mobile is: , search engines, online articles, news stories, and newsletters 27
Sources: Video Consumption Fact: YouTube’s monthly viewership is equivalent to roughly 10 Super Bowl audiences 28
C-Level Executives Use Video For Business Purposes A recent study by Forbes asked more than 300 C-level executives from businesses with over $500 million in revenues about their video consumption habits – More than 80% of senior executives are watching more online videos today than a year ago – 75% said they watch videos on business-related websites at least once a week The study also showed that executives were taking action after watching work-related videos – 65% have visited a vendor’s website after watching a video Source: 29
Our Audience Maintains Active Profiles On Social Sites Petroleum Readership Survey 30
For business purposes, how has your use of social media changed in the last year? Changes In Social Media For Business Purposes Petroleum Readership Survey 31
What User Behavior Tells Us There is no SINGLE media choice Users rely on a variety of sources including magazines, websites, videos, events, etc. They are highly engaged and comfortable with a variety of media types depending on where they are in the buying process 32
Words To Market By “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.” -- Wayne Gretzky 33
Thank You! 34 Leif Nevener Sales Engineer