The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1
The official name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The capital cities: of England( and the whole UK) LondonLondon Wales – Cardiff Scotland – EdinburghEdinburgh Northern Ireland – Belfast The UK is a constitutional monarchymonarchy 2
Great Britain is situated in the British Isles consisting of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and 5,000 small islands, e.g. the Isle of Man or Channel Islands, Shetlands, Orkneys GB consists of three parts: England, Wales and Scotland. UK comprises four parts E, S, W and Northern Ireland.comprises Southern Ireland is an independent republic. 3
Its neighbours are Southern Ireland and France. The UK is surrouned by the seas and ocean like the North Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Irish Sea – separates Britain from Ireland, Celtic Sea and the English Channel – separates Britain from Europe.English Channel 4
You can fly – in London there are 3 main airports where you can land – Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Take a coach - there are coach routes to Britain from many European destinations. Although it may take much longer, coach is a great cheap alternative to flying Take an undersea train - in May 1994, Channel Tunnel was opened between England and France. Channel Tunnel 5
You can travel by ferry to many destinations all around the British coast, including routes to the Scottish Islands and the Channel Islands. Ferry travel to the UK from Europe is a popular, good value way to get to Britain with a car or caravan. Ferry 6
Britain is an island country and the surrounding sea gives England a varied and humid climate.climate. It is described as mild with few extremes. You never know what the weather will be like from one day to the other – it is a very changable w. It can be sunny one day and rainy the next. So it is difficult to predict the weather. In general there are warm summers and cool winters. British summers are cooler than those on the continent, but the winters are milder. July and August are normally the warmest months in England. Around the coasts, February is normally the coldest month, but inland there is little to choose between January and February as the coldest month. 7
British rivers aren't very long, but deep. The longest river is the Severn and the largest river is the Thames flowing through London. Northern Ireland is also home to the UK's largest lake, Lough Neagh, Other major lakes include Windermere in the English Lake District (is a mountainous region in North West England) and Loch Lomond in Scotland Another of Scotland's lakes, Loch Ness is famous for sightings of 'Nessie', a mythical monster!Loch Ness 8
The UK landscape is very varied, ranging from the Grampian Mountains of Scotland to the lowlands of England which are at or below sea level in some places.varied rangingGrampian Mountains Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of the UK. The highest mountain in the Scottish Highlands is Ben Nevis (1343 m). In Wales the highest mountain is Snowdon (1085 m). 9
Many coastal areas are low- lying, especially in the east and south of England. These include the wetlands – moors of the Somerset Levels, that regularly flood during heavy rain.wetlands – moors 10
The population in Britain is over 60 million inhabitants. Britain is divided into counties. England comprises 46 counties. England is the most densely populated part of the UK.comprisesdensely In Britain, we can find the following ethnic groups: English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh. The majority of people speak English. Other languages are Welsh, Irish and Scottish Gaelic.majority There are also lots of other nationalities – Bangladeshes, Pakistanies, Indians ( people who came from former British colonies), Chinese or people from Eastern Europe. Britain is a multicultural country.formermulticultural country. 11
There are lots of interesting places to see in UK: One of the most popular tourist attraction is Stratford-upon- Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare.Stratford-upon- Avon Interesting are Oxford and Cambridge which are well-known for one of the most prestige and oldest universities.Oxford and Cambridge Very spectacular place is Stonehenge, where are the very old prehistoric megalithic monuments, which are more than 3000 years old. The ruins are situated on Salisbury Plain. The purpose of this construction is unknown but it may be ritual sanctuary.Stonehengesanctuary. Hadrian’s Wall is a remain of the Roman fortifications built between AD to protect England against the Celtic’s invasion. Hadrian’s Wall remainfortifications 12
English (page)SlovakEnglish (page)Slovak thistlebodliakthe most densely populated (12) najhustejšie obývaná shamrokďatelinacomprise (4/12)skladá sa z, zahŕňa leekpórmajority (of) (12)väčšina varied (10)pestrý, rozmanitýformer (12)bývalý to range (10)rozprestiera sasanctuary (13)svätyňa ferry (7)trajektremain (13)pozostatok moor (11)močiarfortification (13)opevnenie wetlands (11)trasoviskopurpose (13)účel, dôvod Go back to: 13 4