Research Degrees School of Psychology and Psychiatry Introduction and Overview Professor Max King Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research & Research Training) Monash University Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis Director, Research Degrees Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
Purpose of the Supervisor Forum Improve even further the quality of our research training To increase knowledge about our responsibilities as supervisors Create a supportive environment in which we can openly discuss matters relating to research training, learn from each other’s experiences and generate new ideas 2 Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
Monash Strategic Plan The university has set a number of key research training targets, one of which is to increase the number of on-time completions –Introduction of the Monash Institute of Graduate Research (MIGR) –Student milestones Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 3
The Monash Vision For Research Training An environment that values, supports and nurtures future research and development leaders Access to generous scholarships, grants and funding opportunities A world-class level of academic and technical expertise to enhance research experience World-class supervision with a comprehensive system for assuring quality of supervision 4 Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
Schools Aspiration for Research Training To build a platform of higher degree research excellence by adopting and providing high quality research training To foster an environment that values, supports and nurtures its higher degree students To foster a higher degree culture where students have access to an enhanced research experience 5 Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
Structure of Research Degrees Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 6
Current & Lapsed Students (as at 11/09/2012) Course Current Enrolment Current Lapsed % Lapsed PhD % DPsych(Clin) 5647% DPsych(ClinNeuro) 3013% Total % 7 Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
Course Completions – School 8 Course Total PhD DPsych(Clin) DPsych(ClinNeuro) DPsych(Org) TOTAL On-time Completions % On-Time68.42%26.32%38.89%38.24%32.20%41.67% Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
Course Completions - University Course Total Doctorate by research Master's by research TOTAL On-time Completions % On-Time61.95%52.48%50.59%53.79%51.58%53.93% 9 Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
% On-Time Completions May Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students
How to Facilitate On Time Completions; Difficult Conversations; Case Study Examples Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 11
What do we want for our students Complete on-time Publish Present their work at conferences Part of an active research team and a stimulating research environment with access to research seminars To feel supported A successful career outcome Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 12
How to facilitate on-time completions Identify clear roles for each supervisor (this should be discussed at commencement and without the student present) Ensue an agreement is in place on authorship of papers to avoid misunderstandings (TIP: rotate the role of senior last author if appropriate) Ensure regular meetings take place once per fortnight; good practice to hold face-to-face meetings with all supervisors at least 3 times per year The supervisor must supervise the project at all stages Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 13
How to facilitate on-time completions Set expectation during each meeting; student should note the agreed goals which should be reviewed at next meeting (TIP: student should summarise goals and to supervisor/s after each meeting) Identify issues early and communicate clearly with the student Plan to take the time to read your student’s work and provide confidence (TIP: supervisors may consider working out a reading plan to avoid confusion of multiple drafts. Maybe rotate the role of reading the first draft?) Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 14
Difficult conversations Break tasks into smaller components and ensure the student fully understands what’s required If the situation is not improving (perhaps not salvageable) an alternate supervisor may need to be considered If the student is not up to the demands of the program you may need to consider having a difficult conversation Seek help early with difficult cases – contact Director of Research Degrees Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 15
Example of how we can help TaskWhoTime allocatedDue Date Reading draft Charlie (supervisor) 3 weeks 21 November – send back to Fred Preparing final draft Fred (student) 2 weeks 5 December- send back to Charlie Reading final draft Charlie (supervisor) 2 weeks 19 December – send back to Fred Finalizing thesis for submission to MIGR Fred (student) Over the Christmas break 15 January – to send relevant paper work to HDR admin staff and submit thesis to MIGR Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 16 A student near completion made a complaint that the supervisor was not reading drafts of work in a timely manner. The student was frustrated that things were dragging out and felt helpless. It seemed that the supervisor was overwhelmed and didn’t understand their responsibility to the student. Draft Time-Line for Fred’s submission of PhD thesis
Examples of conflicts Video scenarios: Improving the Quality of Research Training for All Students 17