Building for the Future Grinnell-Newburg School District Your Community. Your Schools.
Goal - An Informed & Knowledgeable Electorate 2015 Bond Presentation
Facility Needs ●Space and programming needs (PE, art, music, classrooms, cafeterias). ●Space for academic program growth and development (square footage, outside learning areas for early childhood, collaborative learning spaces). ●Efficiencies – Operating costs Bond Presentation
Purpose Needs and problems associated with enrollment, building space, educational programming, and efficiencies still exist and will not go away without action Bond Presentation
A Preschool Environment Fit For Our Children ●Current programming o Iowa Early Learning Standards o Curriculum ●Best Practices o Research based curriculum and instructional strategies o Environment
21st Century Student ●Need classroom space ●Need resources, e.g. materials, teachers ●Need flexible scheduling to match needs of ALL children
Intervention & Extension ●Early Literacy Legislation o Every student at grade level entering 4th grade o Third-grade retention ●RADAR o 30 Minutes o Mixed level concept ●RADAR + o After School Tutoring ●Summer Reading
GMS Programming ●How will a new school for our middle school students result in a significant positive impact on the educational program? ●Instructional programs that go beyond the traditional academic scope of the classroom. ●A feeling and sense of community. ●Collaborative learning spaces. ●Student centered school.
Grinnell High School/Grinnell Middle School Programming Flexibility to support student learning: ●Remediation for students needing lower level instruction could happen efficiently. ●Advancement for students needing accelerated instruction could happen efficiently. Proximity of buildings to support teacher collaboration: ●Grade span collaboration, teaming; Peer-to-peer instructional observation would happen with more frequency, enhancing instructional practices.
Committed Schools ●The district is committed to meeting the needs of all learners ●Committed to preparing all learners for the world beyond our PK-12 system ●School facilities play a significant role in the education of our students.
Communities & Schools Where you find strong communities, you will find strong schools