Using Avoir L’air French 2 Chapter 9---to seem or to look
Conjugate avoir You should know the conjugation of this verb by now. Make sure you are using the correct subject and verb forms. You can use this construction in the present tense or the imparfait. In the imparfait, it would mean the subject “seemed or looked” a certain way.
Using the adjective Whatever adjective you pick needs to agree with the subject. This means that if the subject is feminine, the adjective must also be feminine. We usually add an –e to make adjectives feminine, but there are many that do not follow that rule. How do we make adjectives plural???? We usually add an –s. If your subject is plural, your adjective must be plural also. Remember, there are some that will not follow the rule---WE ALWAYS HAVE IRREGULARS IN FRENCH.
Present Tense Examples She looks happy=== Elle a l’air contente. (avoir is conjugated to agree with the subject and the –e is added to content to make it agree with elle). He seems uncomfortable===Il a l’air mal à l’aise. (avoir is conjugated for il and no changes are needed for the adjective). They look worried===Ils ont l’air inquiets. (again using the correct form of avoir and making the adjective plural because the subject is plural).
Imperfect examples We seemed angry===Nous avions l’air fâchés. (avoir is in the imperfect and the adjective is plural because nous is plural) Marie seemed in love===Marie avait l’air amoureuse. (avoir in imperfect and adjective is in feminine form)