Primary PE & Sports Premium Funding


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Presentation transcript:

Primary PE & Sports Premium Funding Caroline Holder Chris Milward Sue Smart

Outcomes of the session. Clear guidance on the effective use of the Primary Sport Funding. A summary of Ofsted guidance and recommendations. Looking at useful resources and materials to support schools around the audit, action planning and impact of the spend. Case studies of good practice. The chance to network with other schools about how they are using the funding. The opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

National Messages Anna Hamilton (Lead for PE & School Sport at the Dept for Education): Key is definitely still sustainability Money must add value (even if PE provision was brilliant before) Must consider how future pupils will benefit from the funding and not just existing ones Need to consider if any service provided by an external provider (i.e. coaching company) is specific to that school and it’s needs and requirements Sustainability is most at risk when using external providers

Sue Campbell PE is compulsory National Curriculum Subject and therefore Teachers MUST NOT be replaced (if this happens then it devalues the subject!!) Key success factor is that PE is seen as a serious subject within schools and in order for this to happen it must impact on one or some of the following: Emotional well being Improving Behaviour Increasing attendance Raising Achievement Parental engagement Transition and partnership working Ofsted will (should!) ask how is funding improving the education and health of all pupils and HTs should be able to answer this

Vision All pupils leaving primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. This has recently been updated and refreshed. What else is important to your pupils? Does this link to the vision? How do you know

Objective To achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools.

Government announcement: PE &Sport Premium £150 million a year (DH, DfE), ring fenced to support delivery of PE and sport in primary schools (2020 promise) Funding allocated through a lump sum for each school. Enter spend details (53%) on school web site Ofsted inspection report – October 2014 Best practice videos Funding for schools will be calculated by the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual schools’ census in January 2013. All schools with 17 or more primary-aged pupils will receive a lump sum of £8,000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil. Smaller schools will receive £500 per pupil. In March 2013 the government announced that it was to provide additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools in England - The Primary PE & Sport Premium. In the Autumn Statement 2013, the Chancellor, George Osbourne announced an additional year's £150m- extended funding, taking the total investment to the end of the 2016 academic year. On 6th February 2014 the Prime Minister, David Cameron committed to continue the funding for the Primary PE & Sport Premium until 2020.

What can we spend the funding on? Key questions to ask yourselves when making spending decisions:  How will this investment address the need identified by this specific school?  What will be the impact of this investment on:  children in the school at the moment?  children in the school in 5 / 10 years’ time (what will the lasting legacy be?)

PE and sport supports whole school improvement Participation in PE and sport can improve a huge range of social skills, promote inclusion and lead to better cohesion Participation in quality PE and sport can improve physical and mental well-being which will transfer into measureable school achievement outcomes PE and sport can also help to shape behaviour, reduce truancy and develop leadership skills Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

C4L Featherstone film                          

C4L Featherstone film Refer to Public Health docs The link between pupil health and well being and attainment Ofsted: The Ofsted Going the extra mile was published in June 2014 – see slides 27/29 (for info rather than using!) The aim of the report was to explore if their was a link between the quality of CSS provision and later sporting success. As part of the report they visited 10 independent schools, 35 state schools and collected the views of over 500 head teachers and 1000 yp. C4L Featherstone film                          

Ofsted report: Going the extra mile The aim of the report was to explore if their was a link between the quality of Competitive School Sport (CSS) provision and later sporting success The Ofsted Going the extra mile was published in June 2014 – The aim of the report was to explore if their was a link between the quality of CSS provision and later sporting success. As part of the report they visited 10 independent schools, 35 state schools and collected the views of over 500 head teachers and 1000 yp.

Recommendations from the Ofsted report The recommendations to the school sector cover areas: Importance of the role CSS plays in improving school ethos. Embed CS firmly in the school culture and a central part of school life. Staff/ Governors and students Well structured and supported programme for both participation and the most able. Expect all their students to take part regularly and meet the demand. Ensure the most talented get access to support and facilities – inspect to skills and fitness Foster strong club links to get more students doing sport outside of school Develop partnerships to build sporting pathways primary transition and with local clubs. Improve their provision of CSS by learning from others Offer a wide range but priorities a few to excel at Provide enough time within PE and sport enrichment programme to attain high standards Use expert coaches to work along side your teachers and hold them accountable for success. How can we use the findings to improve what we do?

Recommendations from the Ofsted report The really exciting part of the sport was the link between wider achievement and whole school effectiveness. Look at figure.... The report showed that there was a link between schools engaging in competitive school sport and wider achievement A link between the overall effectiveness of the school and the quality of their sporting provision. A link between the % of young people achieving A* to C grades at GCSE and the quality of sporting provision. This is a compelling argument to explain to head teachers and governors.

Facilities – Primary Spaces £18m National Lottery funding Designed to build on and complement the £150m Sport Premium Providing support for schools, in greatest need, with poor facilities 900 applications submitted, 601 school awards granted Average school award £27k Outdoor multi-activity areas for curriculum, out of school and community use 5 waves of installation across this academic year (Wave 1 completed)

Possible indicators of improvement • The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles • The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement • Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport • Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils • Increased participation in competitive sport

Discussion? How are you investing your funding now? How does this link to the vision? What is important to your pupils? What has been the impact so far? And what hard evidence to you have to prove this? How will the investment be sustained?

Good Practice for schools

Minimum Requirements Information on website: The amount of grant received How it has been spent (or will be spent) What impact the school has seen on pupils’ - Physical Education (physical literacy) - Extra curricular participation - Attainment in other curriculum areas The funding must be spent on improving the provision of Physical Education and sport for the benefit of pupils so that they develop healthy lifestyles.

Suggested Best Practice:- Step 1: audit/ self-review Step 2: prioritise areas to develop ( baseline information/data) and action Step 3: identify the good/outstanding provision Step 4: measure against baseline  impact Step 1: audit/ self-review, your existing provision, PE, School Sport, Leadership of PE and its impact on all young people’s attainment in your school Step two: prioritise the areas to develop and action. Step three: identify the good or outstanding provision to ensure sustainability in these areas. Step four: ensure you are able to evidence the impact of the strategies and be accountable for the spend.

Possible Audit Materials Entrust documents Youth Sport Trust (YST) self review– insert links YST Quality Mark afPE (Association for PE) – Quality Mark audit – insert links cfBT and afPE document Free Reference and guidance docs: - afpe, SASSOT, Scuk, YST

Examples for monitoring impact Lesson observations Planning scrutiny Data scrutiny Learning walks Pupil voice questions Staff questionnaires

Ofsted Guidance and recommendations

On your tables are these 2 Ofsted documents:- - Inspecting primary school PE and school sport: new funding (Briefing for section 5 inspection) - The PE and sport premium for primary schools - Good practice to maximise effective use of the funding During section 5 inspections inspectors will assess and report on how effectively this new funding is being used to improve PE and sport provision when making the judgement on the quality of the school’s leadership and management. Inspectors will use evidence gained from meetings with school leaders, including governors to assess the impact of additional funding on improving the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. Inspectors may also use evidence from observations of lessons and/or extra-curricular sports clubs, and discussions with pupils. Inspectors may also review the details of a school’s PE and sport provision on their school website prior to an inspection.

Recommendations from Report: Schools should: ensure that their strategic plans for using the new funding include clear, measurable targets for improvement clearly show how school leaders will evaluate the impact that the premium is having on improving PE and sports provision regularly monitor the work of specialist PE teachers and sports coaches to ensure that their teaching and coaching are consistently good

ensure that the professional development of staff is systematically planned and tailored to the individual needs of teachers and classroom assistants monitor the impact of professional development to ensure a lasting legacy of consistently good teaching of PE identify ‘non-participants’ in extra-curricular sport and provide additional activities to encourage their immediate and longer-term participation in sport and physical activity

introduce activities specifically aimed at enabling their most able pupils to achieve high standards in PE and sport forge links with a wider range of external sports clubs to achieve sustainable ways of engaging all pupils in physical activity and sport work closely with parents and carers and local health agencies to promote the health and well-being of all pupils, especially those who are overweight or obese.

Example Case Studies

Entrust/ SASSOT project schools Effective training package example: Staff training on activity area, followed by 2 lessons of demo lessons/ team teaching/ joint planning – followed by staff continuing with teaching lessons with a lesson observation/ feedback and report at the end. Subject co-ordinator development; Subject leader attending specific leading PE CPD course, followed by in school support looking specifically at school issues and supporting with real-life examples of doing action planning, monitoring and evaluation activities.

Developing Health of Pupils; Raising the profile of health in the school by improving knowledge of health recommendations for staff/ pupils/ parents. showing what adults do to meet these as role models. Reviewing opportunities for physical activity and PE and purpose, conducting a fit and healthy week, use of health intervention bags, development of change 4 life clubs, targeted support for those who need it.


On your tables there are:- Ofsted documents Example Audit materials Example case studies Use the remaining time to have a look at these and network with other schools on your tables about your use of the funding and how you could use these materials and the information given today to move your practice forward

Supporting you further… We would love to know how we can support you further around the use of the Primary Sports Funding. Please make any notes of what you now require or what we could do for you and hand it in at the end. Many thanks Caroline, Chris and Sue

Useful weblinks: