VocabularyChapter 3.1Chapter 3.2Chapter 3.3Wildcard
Vocabulary The process by which small particles clump together because of gravity What is accretion?
Vocabulary The formation of life from nonliving matter (aka spontaneous generation) What is abiogenesis?
Vocabulary Organisms that rely of consuming compounds to obtain chemical energy What are heterotrophs?
Vocabulary Plankton that float at the surface. What are neuston?
Chapter 3.1 The Big Bang is A.The theorized beginning of the universe from a single point B.The formation of Earth from a supernova C.The formation of the moon from a volcanic explosion A.The theorized beginning of the universe from a single point
Chapter 3.1 Scientists theorize heavy elements formed A.When light atoms within stars fused, becoming heavier atoms B.When the Big Bang hurled atoms into each other C.When the universe collapsed. A.When light atoms within stars fused, becoming heavier atoms
Chapter 3.1 It’s theorized that the solar system A.Was formed when stray planets spontaneously began to orbit the sun B.Resulted when a supernova shock wave caused a nebula to condense and spin C.Was formed from matter left by a passing comet B. Resulted when a supernova shock wave caused a nebula to condense and spin
Chapter 3.1 According to nebular theory, Earth and other planets formed due to a process called A.Transplantation B.Density stratification C.Accretion
Chapter 3.2 The most compelling evidence that supports the theory that life began in the oceans is A.Based on how scientists interpret the fossil record B.The oceans are still a “primordial soup” C.Completely without a basis in the fossil record A. Based on how scientists interpret the fossil record
Chapter 3.2 According to theory, the first molecular building blocks of life A.Were caused by lightning striking the ocean B.Are readily formed under certain conditions by natural processes C.Formed with the Big Bang B. Are readily formed under certain conditions by natural processes
Chapter 3.2 Scientists theorize that nonliving chemicals became life when A.A large, stable molecule formed by chance and became capable of reproducing itself B.Volcanic activity and electricity randomly shocked a protein structure C.None of the above A.A large, stable molecule formed by chance and became capable of reproducing itself
Chapter 3.2 The theory of evolution says that modern organisms and their characteristics arose through the processes of ________________ and _________________ over millions of years A.Natural selection, spontaneous generation B.Abiogenesis, spontaneous generation C.Spontaneous generation, mutation D.Mutation, natural selection
Chapter 3.3 Scientists may classify marine environments based on a wide range of physical characteristics, or a combination of physical characteristics. – True – False True
Chapter 3.3 The _______________ zone refers to the water portion of the ocean. The _____________ zone refers to the bottom. A.Benthic, abyssal B.Abyssal, benthic C.Abyssal, pelagic D.Pelagic, benthic
Chapter 3.3 The zone between the low-tide mark and the edge of the continental shelf is the A.Intertidal zone B.Neritic zone C.Oceanic zone B. Neritic zone
Chapter 3.3 The marine lifestyle that consists of organisms that swim is called A.Plankton B.Nekton C.Benthos B. Nekton
Wildcard Shore bottom that is splashed but not submerged is the ___________________ ___ zone of the benthic zone A.Supralittoral B.Littoral C.Inner sublittoral D.Hadal A. supralittoral
Wildcard Abiogenesis is A.The origin of life from non-living matter B.Exactly the opposite of spontaneous generation C.Not supported by any evidence A. the origin of life from non-living matter
Wildcard __________________ refer(s) to organisms that live on the sea bottom. ______________ are those organisms that live buried or partially buried in the sea bottom. A.Epifauna and epiflora, neuston B.Neuston, infauna C.Infauna, epifauna and epiflora D.Epifauna and epiflora, infauna
Wildcard What type of marine organism (classified by lifestyle) is shown below: Nekton