TIME 12 39 6. The reason behind the subject  Time is a controversial, and an interesting topic to look at.  The questions about time, if it actually.


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Presentation transcript:


The reason behind the subject  Time is a controversial, and an interesting topic to look at.  The questions about time, if it actually exists or if it is just an illusion.  The subjectivity and objectivity of time in the human mind. Are we conscious or unconscious about it?

Time debates  Philosophers have been debating the idea before the time of Socrates.  Physicists are still coming up with new ideas about time to unify their theories about it. Philosophy of physics

Philosophy of physics  Time is in constant change between past, present and the future.  Time is fundamental to our reality.  Time is simply objected by our subjective.  The existence of time represents our experiences.

Conclusion  Everything is in constant change.  Time is either simple or confusing, depending on our stream of thoughts around it.  Raises conciseness in objectifying the subjective.  Time remains to be an interesting loop.

Thank for your time that has already passed onto the present into our expectations of the future which is at the moment. The moment just passed and the story continues.