The Parent as Advocate Peter W. D. Wright, Esq. Pamela Darr Wright, MA, MSW
Overview Know Child: Organize File Understand Test Scores & the Bell Curve Learn How to Write IEPs Prove Your Case: Use “Letters to the Stranger;” Other Documents Learn How to Deal with School System; Hone Negotiation Skills
The List of Documents Use a word processor to make a chronological list of ALL documents Date Description Comments 10/6/99 Psych. Eval Scores dropped 11/9/99 Educ. Eval No progress 1/15/00 Eligibility Change to ED 2/1/00 IEP In ED class
Use Evaluations to Measure Educational Progress Learn: What tests & subtests measure Learn: The Bell Curve Learn: Standard Scores Learn: Percentile ranks Learn: To Chart Test Scores
The Bell Curve -2SD -1SD mean +1SD + 2SD % 16% 50% 84% 98%
The Bell Curve Learn: What tests really measure Learn: Composite scores, subtest scores Learn: Standard scores (SS), percentile ranks (PR), grade equivalent (GE) scores, age equivalent (AE) scores Learn: Measure educational progress Learn: When does apparent gain mean loss (regression)?
How to Chart Test Scores Over Time Find repeated educational achievement tests Examples Woodcock Johnson Tests Kaufmann (KTEA) Wide Range Achievement Tests (WRAT) Standardized Group Batteries Compare scores; measure change in percentile ranks
Woodcock Johnson Scores: Standard Scores 1/90 5/91 10/92 6/95 Reading Writing Math Mean
Woodcock Johnson Scores: Percentile Ranks 1/90 5/91 10/92 6/95 Reading Writing Math Mean
Woodcock Johnson Standard Scores - Bar Graphs
Woodcock Johnson - Bar Graphs Percentile Ranks
Woodcock Johnson Reading Scores as Percentile Ranks
Woodcock Johnson Writing Scores as Percentile Ranks
Woodcock Johnson Math Scores as Percentile Ranks
3 Dimensional Bar of W-J % Rank Scores
3 Dimensional Line of W-J % Rank Scores
IEPs with Measurable Goals & Objectives Example #1: Typing/Keyboarding By June , Johnny will type a passage of text at a rate of 35 words per minute with not more than 5 errors on a 5 minute timed test. Example #2: Decoding Skills By June , Johnny will improve letter-word identification skills from the 10 th percentile level to the 25th percentile level, as measured by the WJ letter-word subtest.
Summary Learn about the facts and law Organize your child’s file Use the Bell Curve to chart test scores Develop a theme that generates empathy and desire to help
The End Peter W. D. Wright, Esq. & Pamela Darr Wright, LCSW Site: