The population in Lebanon is 4.47 million. During the year of 1999.
The capital of Lebanon is Beirut
You can find Lebanon in Western Asia. It is bordered by Syria to the north and east of Israel to the south.
The history of Lebanon is that it was taken over by Israel and many years of war they finally got it back.
These foods are very popular in the Lebanese culture tabboulehHummus falafel
The time zone in Lebanon is 7 hours ahead of us.
The currency in Lebanon is by 1000 so For example, If you give somebody 5 dollars they they will say 5000 instead.
People don’t usually go to school because its very expensive. Its about 3,000 dollars and Lebanon is a very poor country so families cant afford it.
In Lebanon there's 2 main religion there's about 59.7% are Muslims and there's about 39% are Christians. The main languages in Lebanon is Arabic and French
Lebanon gets about billion (2012 est) from many goods and trades from countries around them.
The tree represents cedar traditionally with Lebanon. In the 18 century the Christians used the white flag with the cedar with the reference to the bible (the righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
In Lebanon they play soccer and they don’t call it soccer they call it football. They also play basketball and also weight lifting is very popular in the mid 20 th century.
November 22, Lebanese independence day May 6, Martyrs day
Lebanon has a mediterranean climate characterized by long, hot, dry summers, and short, cold, rainy winters.