Integrative Medicine in PsycINFO Topics in PsycINFO of Relevance to Integrative Medicine PsycINFO is a research database published by the American Psychological Association. Health care professionals can use it to explore research on complementary and alternative medicine, and how these practices can be combined with conventional treatments. Sample Searches in Gerontology Scenario: A psychologist would like to learn more about whether teaching patients strategies for being more aware of their symptoms and triggers can help them better manage their depression. Search: Mindfulness AND Major Depression Results: Articles on the efficacy of using techniques such as mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in addition to traditional treatments for depression, anxiety, and related disorders. Prefer to have this information as a handout? For a postcard-sized version of this guide (and others) that you can produce on your library’s color printer, visit
Sample Searches in Integrative Medicine Scenario: A social worker is interested in looking at research about the efficacy of acupuncture for pain management. Search: Acupuncture AND (Chronic Pain OR Pain) Results: Studies examining the use of acupuncture to treat a variety of types of pain, including rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, and migraines. Scenario: A Ph.D. student would like to see what literature is available on treating anxiety disorders with massage or aromatherapy. Search: (Massage OR Aromatherapy) AND Anxiety Disorders Results: Papers reviewing the use of particular scents and essential oils, as well as articles looking at the benefits of massage for the client and masseuse. Integrative Medicine in PsycINFO
Selected Search Terms The search terms provided here are just a few excerpts from the many relevant terms in PsycINFO’s thesaurus. If you aren’t sure how to use these terms (called Subject Terms, Subject Headings, or Index Terms depending on your interface), check with your librarian or consult the PsycINFO Quick Reference Guide you may also have received at the same time as this handout. Holistic Health Acupuncture Aromatherapy Hypericum Perforatum Massage Medicinal Herbs and Plants Meditation Nutrition Osteopathic Medicine Preventive Medicine Clinical Applications Anger Control Anxiety Management Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity Behavior Modification Major Depression Pain Management Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Stress Management
Integrative Medicine in PsycINFO Interdisciplinary Treatment Approach Adjunctive Treatment Biopsychosocial Approach Eclectic Psychotherapy Integrative Psychotherapy Multimodal Treatment Approach Culture (Anthropological) Cross Cultural Treatment Faith Healing Folk Medicine Folk Psychology Social Structure Transcultural Psychiatry Therapeutic Approaches Adventure Therapy Animal Assisted Therapy Art Therapy Bibliotherapy Creative Arts Therapy Dance Therapy Horticulture Therapy Hypnotherapy Mind Body Therapy Movement Therapy Music Therapy Phototherapy Poetry Therapy Recreation Therapy Relaxation Therapy Wilderness Experience