A proposal Ryan Kennedy Winter 2013 Program Additions
Things to consider in regards to continued program success Providing as fun and safe environment as possible to ensure an enjoyable experience for participants in all age groups Approaching skill development by combining a variety of on and off ice drills with systematic utilization of state of the art technology so as to maximize effectiveness Providing a fundamental basis of hockey knowledge through on and off ice coaching instruction Consistently providing the proper resources in all aspects to every participant as they progress through higher levels of hockey as well as our program so as to maximize individual potential Continually striving to find new, innovative ways to improve program effectiveness
Pocket Radar Pocket sized radar detector Provides measureable statistics in shooting, skating and passing speed that will help assist in individual coaching Allows for a wider variety of drills to be utilized by coaches during sessions Statistics provides participants individual, self-motivational goals to improve upon
Pocket Radar demonstration EIZ0#action=share EIZ0#action=share
beRecruited.com profile online, software tool Can be used to assist any middle school or high-school age participant interested in pursuing the game of ice hockey at the college or Junior age level Free and easy to use Creation and quick instruction of use of online profile not time consuming; can be done before any on-ice session Perfect way to showcase individual statistics recorded in Pocket Radar drills
iPad multi faceted software application tablet Will greatly assist in the effectiveness of on and off ice instruction by providing specific software applications that will maximize efficiency end effectiveness. Variety of reasonably priced models allows for consideration of purchasing multiple units Can be used as a great tool in demonstrating how to utilize berecruited.com
GoPro first person helmet camera Will provide a unique perspective of the game of ice hockey that will be beneficial in providing the most effective coaching instruction possible Can be worn by instructors or participants Variety of reasonably priced models allows for consideration of purchasing multiple units
GoPro demonstration
Boni machine multi-speed puck shooting machine Will assist in the training of participants in all age groups due to its various uses in on-ice coaching instruction Allows coaches to go about providing the most effective instruction in the most efficient manner possible so as to maximize individual player potential and overall program effectiveness Allows for unique instruction of goalie participants
Expenses fiscal summary Pocket Radar ($199.99) beRecruited.com profile and database (free) Apple iPad mini ($259.99)* GoPro helmet camera($200.00)* Boni puck shooting machine ($ ) Total proposed expenses: $ * - Indicates additional benefits should we purchase multiple units