UNIT 2 THE PLANTS KINGDOM stem roots seeds cell membranechloroplast vacuole cytoplasm cell wallnucleus herbaceous stemwoody stemvein petioleblade root hairs stomatastigma anther pistil ovules styleovary stamen filament chlorophyll leavespollination Sporexylem sapfertilisation phloem sapsexual reproduction
AngiospermsGymnosperms Strong roots, leaves, a stem, and flowers. Seeds – inside the flower. They can produce fruit. Strong roots, a stem and long, thin leaves. Small flowers. They don’t produce any fruit. Seeds developin cones. Flowering Plants
Read the definitions and write the words a.________________ (noun) This is where a gymnosperm’s seeds develop. b. ________________(noun) These are large, long leaves on a fern. They are divided into many narrow sections. c._________________ (noun) These types of plant produce flowers. Answer the questions about the characteristics of plants. a.How do plants get their nutrients? ____________________- b.What do plants react to? __________________________ c.How do most plants reproduce? ____________________________
NON-FLOWERING PLANTS Algae In or near the water. On land. Mosses In tropical rainforests. Ferns
nucleus Cell wall Cell membrane chloroplast cytoplasm vacuole
stigma style ovary ovules filament anther petal sepal
SEXUAL REPRODUCTION Male organ STAMEN antherfilament Female organ PISTIL Ovary ovules stylestigma
NON-FLOWERING PLANTS ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION Stolons strawberries Spores Mossses, ferns Cuttings geraniums Tubers potatoes