STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Introduction to Stanford and Calendar Instructor Ammy Hill Jo-Ann Cuevas-Pagliaro
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 1 Agenda Upcoming Changes and How It Affects You Standard or Advanced Web Client Browser Compatibility Which Program do I use? Navigation and Features Mobile Devices Help/Job Aids Additional Training Opportunities
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 2 Upcoming Changes and How It Affects You migrates to a new server between October 29 th and December 15 th, There is no requirement for you to change from your current desktop client. Works with: Outlook Apple Mail Thunderbird Eudora* and others If you’re using a desktop client, you may not notice the change. Things you might notice: More storage – most go from 500 MB to 1 GB New Webmail interface *Eudora users should consider moving to a new program soon, but not because of this change. Work with your local tech support and submit a HelpSU ticket before making big changes.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 3 Which Program Do I Choose? You may want to choose: Webmail only Perfect for people who want to access their mail from more than one computer and who don’t have large stores (limited to 1gb) Outlook (w/ Outlook Connector) Works best for PC/Windows users who have years of stored and want to archive those stores on their hard drive. Can be used exclusively or paired with webmail. Mail, iCal, and Address Book (w/ iSync Connector) Works best for Macintosh users who have years of stored and want to archive those stores on their hard drive. Can be used exclusively or paired with webmail. Thunderbird Works best for Unix or Linux users or folks who want to avoid Outlook or Apple Mail. Allows local storage of . Can be used exclusively or paired with webmail.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 4 Browser Compatibility Works equally well on: Firefox Safari Internet Explorer 7.0 (PC) Users report much slower performance when using Internet Explorer, especially IE 6. Works in Standard mode only: Google Chrome Must have minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 5 Navigation (tabs) Navigation (tabs) Mail Address Book Calendar Tasks Preferences
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Navigation - The Mail Anatomy 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page Stanford link, Search Bar, Standard/Advan ced toggle, Help, and Log out. 2.User Name, Quota, and Application Tabs. The applications that you can access are listed in the tabs. 3.Toolbar. Changes depending on the application in use. 4.Overview Pane. Displays your folders, saved searches, tags, and zimlets. Displays different items for different application tabs. 5.Mini Calendar 6.Content Pane. Changes depending on the application in use.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 7 Navigation - Mail Views View By Message or By Conversation By Conversation groups messages with the same subject together so that you can see the message and any replies together By Message puts messages in the Inbox in the order received View By Conversation is the default Reading Pane With Reading Pane on, messages display in the lower half of the screen With Reading Pane off, double-click to see the message Reading Pane on is the default
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 8 Navigation - Mail Features Default Folders Inbox – all new incoming mail Sent – all outgoing mail Drafts – saved unsent messages Junk – for spam Trash – deleted mail. Deleted mail is emptied from trash every 30 days. Create Folders Embed folders in folders Tags Mail Filters Create filters from the Preferences tab. ( See Preferences section.) Attach documents to display in body Sort your mail Search your mail
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 9 Searching Basic search searches left to right for a string of text Click the Advanced search button to access additional searching options You may search for appointments, tasks, s, etc. using the same search to search across item types
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 10 Advanced Search Advanced Search allows you to search by more than just the basic options. As you add each search term, the results update dynamically. AttachmentSearch for documents with or without an attachment, or for a specific type of attachment BasicSearch the From, To, CC, Subject and Content (body) DateSearch for a message that received before, after, or on a specific date DomainSearch for messages from a specific domain FolderLimit your search to a specific folder Saved SearchIf you build the same search regularly, you can save it and it will add to the navigation bar (on the left) and will be available in the Advanced Search SizeSearch for messages that are smaller or larger than a size value you specify ZimletsSearch for messages that contain a URL or phone number StatusSearch for messages that are Flagged, Read or Unread, or that you’ve Replied to or Forwarded. TagSearch for messages with one or more tags. TimeSearch for messages using relative time frames like items that were received in the last hour, last 4 hours, today, yesterday, this week, last week, this month, last month, this year, or last year.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 11 Navigation - Address Book Address Book is where you store contact details. By default a Contacts and an ed Contacts address book are included to be used in Stanford and Calendar. In Stanford Address Book you can: Access the Global Address List (GAL) (also called Company Contacts). This is StanfordWho with Stanford View access. Create your own Contact Groups (aka “personal distribution lists” in Eudora). Add additional contact information when the name is in a list in your Address Book.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 12 Navigation - Calendar The new Stanford Calendar lets you track and schedule your appointments, meetings, and events. With the new calendar, you can: Create appointments and schedule meetings. Mark them private or public Create all-day events Create different personal calendars Use Quick Add to quickly create an appointment View other peoples free/busy schedules to facilitate group scheduling Display your free/busy status by managing your schedule Print your calendar or sync with a mobile device (iPhone,Windows Mobile 6, or Treo 650) Share your calendar with coworkers
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Meeting Status Meeting status is displayed by color saturation. New – needs action Accepted Tentative Declined 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 13
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 14 Calendar Views View the calendar in five modes: Day View Work Week View Week View Month View Schedule View View your calendar or calendars that have been shared to you Additional calendars are displayed overlaid over your calendar Schedule view displays calendars side-by-side
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 15 Viewing Others Calendars Calendars you have access to display in the left hand column below your calendar(s) For new shares, you will receive an . Accept the share from the The shared calendar will display in your calendar in the left hand column. It is on by default. Uncheck the box to remove the overlay.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 16 Sharing in Stanford and Calendar You may share folders, calendars, address book folders, and task lists To Share a Calendar, right-click (or Control+click) and select Share Calendar Enter the address Internal – anyone on Stanford and Calendar External – any other address Public – use with caution! and select a role Viewer - see what’s on your calendar Manager – like Designate in Sundial Admin – may share this calendar to others
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 17 Printing Your Calendar In the left hand column, check the calendars you would like to have included when you print Select the view (Day, Work Week, Week, Month, or Schedule) you would like to print Click the Print icon Click OK on the Printer dialog screen Close the Print View window
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 18 Navigation - Tasks The Tasks feature lets you create to-do lists and manage tasks through to completion. Some things you can do with tasks, include: Add tasks to the default Tasks list Create other task lists to organize your to-do lists by more specific activities, such as by work or personal projects. Share a Task list with others. Sort task lists by subject, status, percentage complete, and due date. Move a task to another list
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 19 Standard or Advanced Web Client The Advanced Web Client offers the full set of Ajax based web collaboration features. The advanced web client works with the newer browsers and faster internet connections. Standard Web Client is a good option when internet connections are slow or users prefer HTML-based messaging for navigating within their mailbox. Stanford and Calendar defaults to the Advanced Web Client Each time you log in you can choose which web client version you want to use, either default Advanced or Standard. If your preferred client type is not the default, you can change it in the Preferences>General tab.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 20 Mobile Devices iPhone 2.0 and Windows Mobile 6 are best recommendations. Palm Treo 650 is compatible. Palm Treo 680 has issues and cannot do over-the-air sync. If you use Windows Mobile 5, find out if an upgrade to 6 is available for your device. Blackberry push mail requires a BES license. There will be an additional charge (TBD) for this service. See the Zimbra Mobile Device Capability page for more info.
STANFORD UNIVERSITY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES 8/15/2015 IT Services Migration page 21 Help / Documentation Help: HelpSU – Request Category: and Calendar Request Type: = Webmail Calendar = Stanford Calendar Searchable Helphttps://zimbra- lp.htmhttps://zimbra- lp.htm Documentation: Stanford and Calendar Web Sitehttp:// Project Web Site: Migration Checklist:
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