SCREEN READER Describe: A program that combines sound and picture to help explain what is on a computer screen Scenario: Franklin is blind and cannot see what is on the screen. Through the use of the screen reader, he is able to have a text to speech speak what is on the screen to him so he is able to hear what he cannot see on the screen. Academic gains: Students can get more work done and not feel so reliant on teachers to tell them what is on the screen. They can see/hear it for themselves. Academic barriers: Sometimes the device may misinterpret what is being displayed and misinform the student what is actually on the screen, teaching them the wrong material.
CLOSED CIRCUIT MAGNIFICATION Describe: A device that can enlarge words and objects on a screen for easier viewing Scenario: Josh is a second grader and has trouble seeing. The class is suppose to read a story from their text books. Using his closed circuit magnification (CCM) can read along with the students. Academic gains: Students can be more independent and not have to rely on a read aloud instructor. They can also get more work done independently rather than alone. Academic barriers: If the device were to mess up then the student would have to rely back on the instructor for help.
BRAILLE TRANSLATION DEVICES Describe: Used to translate screen words and formatting into readable braille Scenario: Jenny is a blind student in a general classroom. She has special books in braille, but she is unable to do her homework without help of an interpreter. With the device, she is able to translate the text from her homework into braille so she can do her homework like everything else. Academic gains: Students can use the braille to get more work done independently without the help of an instructor. Academic barriers: If the machine were to break, the student would not be as independent. It makes the student rely too much on technology.
ADAPTIVE KEYBOARD Describe: A keyboard that reduces the strain on the user by alphabetizing the letters Scenario: A student with ADHD is trying to type a paragraph for his 5 th grade homework assignment. He is having trouble learning the pattern on a regular keyboard. By using the adaptive keyboard he is able to find the letters quicker and finish the homework much faster. Academic gains: Student can get homework done faster with out the distraction of finding letters on a jumbled up keyboard. Academic barriers: Student rely too much on the adaptive keyboard which makes it harder to eventually learn how to type on a normal keyboard.
ALTERNATE COMMUNICATION DEVICES Describe: A device that helps those with Down’s syndrome, Autism, and other illnesses communicate easily Scenario: Ben has autism and is unable to communicate with his parents and teachers to tell them what he needs or is feeling. He uses the device to tell them that his stomach hurts to they figure out that he is hungry and also use the device to find out what he would like to eat. Academic gains: Students with communication disabilities or limitations are able to speak to teachers and let them know what they are feeling during the school day. It eliminates the frustrations. Academic barriers: It forces kids to rely on the device and they are not forced to learn to communicate without technology.
ADAPTIVE STUDENT DESKS Describe: For children from neurological impairments, these desks adjust to their needs Scenario: Jack is paralyzed from the waist waist down and is unable to use a proper desk because of his wheelchair. He uses the adaptive student desk to reach his work and use a desk like every other students. Academic gains: Students grades will improve because their self-confidence level will increase since they can now do things on their own. Academic barriers: If the student does not have the specialized desk, then they will not be able to do the work on their own.
PERSONAL AMPLIFICATION DEVICE Describe: An audio enhancer that directly increases the sound of noise around the user Scenario: Baieigh is hard of hearing and without the use of sign language has a hard time communicating. She uses the device to amplify her peers talking so she can keep up in classroom engagement. Academic gains: Students can use the device to communicate with peers without use of sign language. They can keep up with the teacher and hear students classroom engagement. Academic barriers: It makes other students not learn how to adapt to having a student with hearing impairments.
AUDIO/VISUAL COMMUNICATION DEVICES Describe: Combine residual hearing with closer views of mouth movement to enhance understanding Scenario: Emma is deaf but can read lips really well. However, when the teachers switches directions or does not talk clearly it is hard to see her lips. With the device she is able to see her lips closer and magnified. Academic gains: Students with hearing impairments are able to see the teachers lips up close so that they can keep up with the classroom engagement and not lag behind. Academic barriers: The students are still forced to learn to adapt to the hearing environment and no one has to adapt to the deaf environment.
VOICE TO TEXT TRANSLATION Describe: A software device that captures spoken words and translates it into readable text on a screen Scenario: Nick is deaf and has trouble communicating with his teacher solely through signing. With the use of his device he is able to visibly see what the teacher is saying, almost like he is texting her, but faster. Academic gains: With the use of the device, students, teachers and parents are able to communicate with the student via text but much faster. With this, students can learn material faster. Academic barriers: Students can become too reliant on the technology. Sometimes the device can misunderstand what someone says and it could confuse the student.