Equity in Technology Professional Development vs. student achievement: Lack of Technology- Training for/of Teachers Ms. Demarian Marshall University of Phoenix
Introduction Teachers do not have enough training with technology to effectively use it in the classroom. Using technology in the classroom is instrumental in student achievement. With additional professional development teachers will be able to reach a higher level of technological knowledge and have the understanding to incorporate it in to their daily curriculums.
Proof of the Lack of Trained Teachers in Technology Topics only 65% of teachers use the Internet says Geoff Fletcher technician support in schools is 1/1,000 students computer science, 75% are not certified "Some teachers are not equipped to deal with the growing issue of child safety on the internet, with 61% feeling that their training has not prepared them to deal with it and 70% not knowing where to go or tell a parent to go if a child got into trouble.
The Need “Research demonstrates that there is a bigger education process needed to give teachers the tools to help them deal with the problems.” (Fletcher, 2001)
Causes for the Lack of Training/ Professional Development The report continued: "There is a noticeable generation gap between some parents and teachers and pupils' understanding of computers and the internet. Many teachers did not work with computers at school, as they only began to appear in classrooms during the 1980s, whereas children nowadays grow up with computers and the internet at home and at school.
Ramifications of the Lack of Technological Training of Teachers Kay states “districts have modernized equipment but lack the specialists to train teachers to use the latest technology and show them how to weave it into everyday lessons. “ (Kay, 2007) Students are not being exposed to technology in the classroom Students could be exposed to more methods of instruction or examples Students could develop and interest in technology there is only one computer for every 13 students in Texas schools “students in portables have inadequate computer support and lack other "cool stuff." Is it that difficult to wire these portables up for computers?” Says Lehmann. (Lehmann, 2008)
Proposed Solutions improve Math and Science programs in K-12 integrate technology into the curriculum educate teachers utilize technological industries and colleges in the community to assist schools help teachers change how they teach apply systematic teacher training
Proposed Solutions (continued) to help provide each teacher with a computer to share their knowledge with the schools to help connect parents and teachers through computers to create public and private entrepreneurial initiatives
Suggestions for Professional Development Find online sources for full professional development Use the internet to answer simple questions about using various programs Join organizations that give professional development training and list course within their newsletters Ask other education professionals “Oh look, that’s MY name!”
Effects on students Due to the lack of money: there is only one computer for every 13 students in Texas schools
When teachers are trained and technology works students have researched and found solutions to community problems prepares the students for the workforce Chen states that computers helps students excel. (Chen, 2008).
Conclusion Many teachers would like to use more technology in the classroom. There is little or no support from their school districts to assist in their efforts. In one school district in Texas, The district is lacking in funds and therefore unable to send teachers to training for which it pay would for. Teachers are forced to locate and finance their own technological education. This problem, in addition to finding the time to attend training adds a to the equity issues of teachers lacking technological knowledge and the result of students lacking technological exposure in the classroom.
References CARL LEHMANN (2008, April 3). MAGNOLIA HALL WILL BENEFIT US ALL. Savannah Morning News,15. Retrieved April 17, 2008, from ProQuest Newsstand database. (Document ID: ). Chen, Long Gwo (2008) The presence and usage of computer technology and the Internet in the classroom: An examination of secondary school students' and teachers' attitudes. Ph.D. dissertation, The Claremont Graduate University, United States -- California. Retrieved April 17, 2008, from ProQuest Digital Dissertations database. (Publication No. AAT ). Fletcher, Goeff (2001). Texas State Senate. Retrieved on April 17, 2008.From a.htm. Kay Lazar (2007, March 29). Slow to reboot; Schools running out of funds to upgrade computers :[3 Edition]. Boston Globe,p. A.1. Retrieved April 17, 2008, from Business Dateline database. (Document ID: ).
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