Annie’s Project Planning Session Tim Eggers, Iowa State University Extension Field Agricultural Economist
Agenda 12:00 Purpose of meeting 12:05 Introductions 12:10 Annie’s Project video 12:20 Annie’s Project overview 12:35 Topic mix and speaker’s matrix 12:55 Thank you and closing discussion 1:00 Adjourn
The mission of Annie's Project is to empower farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information..
Risk Management Production Risk Price or Market Risk Financial Risk Institutional and Legal Risk Human and Personal Risk
Basic AP Meeting Structure Six sessions during six weeks Three hours per session Thursday evenings ½ Computer lab and ½ classroom Female agricultural professionals as presenters Light meals Tim as facilitator and backup instructor January 21-February 25, March 4 snow date Target class size 15, limit of 20
Time for Discussion No more than one half the time in lecture
Five Major Risk Areas Production Risk –Crop Insurance –Livestock Insurance –Enterprise Diversification Price or Market Risk –Marketing Plans –Market Analysis –Cash Marketing and Elevator Contracts
Five Major Risk Areas Financial Risk –Financial Documentation and Interpretation –Farm Service Agency Documentation and Programs –Enterprise Analysis –Business Plans Institutional and Legal Risk –Estate Planning –Property Titling –Contract Arrangements –Business Structure and Liability Management –Tax Liability Management
Human and Personal Resource Risk –Communications and Personality Styles –Labor and Personnel Management –Life, Health, and Long-term Care Insurance –Safety and Disability Insurance Five Major Risk Areas
Funding Basic Annie’s Project $231/person cost –$3,600 Risk Management Agency –$50 per Participant User Fee
Kankakee, Illinois 2003 First class of Basic AP
Current Program Status
Production Risk Understand insurance options and be able to evaluate them for fit to the operation Price or Market Risk Examine available markets and price expectations End of Class Impacts - Basic
Financial Risk Increase bargaining power when working with a lender and accuracy in projecting profits Institutional and Legal Risk Evaluate estate plan and update if necessary End of Class Impacts - Basic
Human and Personal Risk Increase communication skills when working with professionals to meet individual and farm business goals End of Class Impacts - Basic
Long-term Impacts Increased confidence in decision making Become better farm managers and business partners Expand network of peers and professional service providers