Appraiser Training 2014 Confident Kids in an Amazing State of Creativity
DI Colorado is the Leader in providing experiential programs that unleash the creative mind in Colorado’s Youth 2
I volunteered to be an Now what? Appraiser
Today’s Agenda Overview of Destination Imagination® How to Appraise Creativity What does a DI Challenge look like Challenge Breakout Sessions Regional Tournament / Challenge Selection
5 Thank you to our Sponsors
Your packet should contain: Schedule for today Challenge Previews Regional Contact /Calendar of Events Appraisal Team Roles Creativity Rubric Disappearing Appraiser
7 Destination Imagination teaches the creative process to students by way of a competitive problem solving competition program. Destination Imagination is active in the United States and in 27 Countries with 73 Affiliates Last year, over 13,000 teams all over the world participated, and over 932 teams competed at Global Finals
8 Colorado is the 3 rd largest Affiliate with over 900 teams Colorado is divided into 10 regions, each of which holds a regional tournament. The regions are: Boulder, Cherry Creek, Denver, Jeffco, North Metro, Pikes Peak, South, South Metro, Southwest and Western Slope. Information regarding the Colorado affiliate can be found at You can also join our facebook page to get the latest information. Destination ImagiNation in Colorado
9 All students from Kindergarten through University can participate in age or grade-defined levels: Rising Stars Preschool-2 nd grade Elementary K-5 th grade Middle 6-8 th grade Secondary 9-12 th grade Students must participate in 2- to 7-person teams. Teams compete in one of 7 Team Challenges. We offer the following types of Team Challenges: Technical, Scientific, Fine Arts, Improvisational, Structural, Service Learning, and Rising Stars!
Tools and self-confidence to generate many ideas & options Ability to focus on best option for them – make decisions with efficiency The ability to take action with a positive outlook Practical life SKILLS A showcase to share the results of this process DI Gives Students:
11 Qualities1-30 points Creativity is present and it’s somewhat enhanced The solution applies Attempt at application Solved with marginal addition 1-8 Creativity is present and it’s relevant There is a theme The solution is complete Solved with related elements 9-16 Creativity is present and it’s integrated There is synthesis Chiefly original work Solved with integration Creativity is there and it’s innovative AHA! WOW! Unrelated elements synthesized to create a new idea Solved by innovation 24-30
Regional Tournaments and Directors 12
What Teams Have Done To Date: Formed their team Selected their Challenge Generated ideas for their solution, props, skit, etc Learned skills Practice Instant Challenges
Destination Imagination Where to appraise Central Challenge: Instant Challenge Score Room 14
What is the Central Challenge? Students have been working for 3 to 6 months on academically based challenge Challenges have multiple requirements to fulfill as a part of the challenge There maybe technical, artistic or dramatic elements to appraise You never appraise all the elements, and you are never the only person to appraise an element
How to choose a challenge
Head Appraiser Prep Area Appraiser Timer / Announcer Scoring Appraisers Number Cruncher Weigh In/Check In ApPRAISEr Jobs
WHAT IS “INSTANT CHALLENGE?” Development of solution in an impromptu situation that showcases teamwork creative problem solving techniques performance material manipulation strategies time management 2013 Instant Challenges
19 Scoreroom Organization Data Entry Computers
ApPRAISErs’ “Rules” Must commit to an entire day of appraising. You may not appraise at the same challenge and level of your child Goal is to award as many points as possible. – Some appraisers jobs are to make sure that teams are set up to receive as many points as they can. Keep level playing field—be true to your own scoring. Use the full range for scoring
Subjective – The opinion of the individual appraiser – Remain true to yourself—don’t compare with other appraisers. Objective – One answer everyone should agree. Types of Scoring
Uniform Subjective Scoring Purpose: to provide a fair and accurate scoring system for all teams Range from 1 – 30 Use the FULL RANGE!! Have a personal Low range; Middle range and High range Don’t Become the DISAPPEARING APPRAISER Uniform Subjective Scoring
Types of Deductions Interference Illegal Procedure Unsportsmanlike Conduct All Deductions are an Appraiser TEAM Decision
© 2006 Destination ImagiNation, Inc. Skills Challenge Rules No one enters the RED corner except team members! Solution
DaVinci Award – Creativity/risk taking Renaissance Award – Engineering - Performance Spirit of Discovery & ImagiNation – Sportsmanship and Spirit Special Awards
Tale of the Invisible Appraiser See handout 26
Where do teams compete? Regional Tournaments – Sites set up by Challenge & Competition Level – Ten Regional Tournaments in Colorado Top places advance to State Competition 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd Place teams will advance to Global Finals See Calendar of Events
Tournament Day What do Teams do? What do ApPRAISErs do?
Secondary Level 30