By: Mike Lawrence Sam Cody Tyler White Daniel Roberts
The first credit card( Diners) was invented by Ralph Schneider. His partner forgot his wallet, and that gave Schneider the idea for the credit card. His idea was that you would have a card that would be accessible at all times with money on it.
Charles Ginsbury invented the first video tape recorder (VTR). He led the team that developed a new machine that could run the tape at a much slower rate because the recording heads rotated at high speed.
The first patent for barcode issue was invented by Joseph Woodland and Bernard Silver. The two men eventually sold their patent to Philco for $15,000 but that’s all they ever received for the invention.
Transistor radio invented by Texas Instruments. The transistor radio was useful because it was pocket sized, and you could listen to music anywhere. In 1954 they became the most popular electronic communication devices in history.
First computer hard disk was used and it was invented by Reynold Johnson. The drive held 5MB of data at $10,000 a megabyte. The system was as big as two refrigerators and used inch platters.
1950s: the booming economy, the booming suburbs and most of all the so-called “baby boom.” After World War II ended, many Americans were eager to have children because they were confident that the future held nothing but peace and prosperity. In many ways, they were right. The tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, known as the Cold War, was another defining element of the 1950s.
Increased Productivity of work Creates and destroys jobs Leads to changes in the workplace With the invention of the transistor, vacuum tube technology started to become obsolete. Causing workers making vacuum tubes to be laid off.