M&E WITHIN ACE PROJECT Process: Systematic, continuous tracking of performance of all 19 ACEs by collecting and analyzing data on agreed measures or indicators Objective: a)To ensure project activities are implemented as planned and right procedures are followed; b)To ensure adherence to grant conditions (procurement, fiduciary, M&E, etc.) and implementation guidelines; and c)To measure progress towards achievement of project objectives
M&E WITHIN ACE PROJECT Tools: a)Results Framework – shows indicators, baselines, annual targets, and persons responsible for monitoring each indicator a)Data Collection Forms – they differ per indicator; record details on students, income, internships, project meetings, new courses
Performance Indicators 11 Indicators measuring regionality, outreach, training quality, research quality, research quantity and administration/ governance quality 5 Indicators linked to disbursement such that positive performance on any of them earns the ACE higher disbursements
Performance Indicators INDICATOR NAMEDESCRIPTION CRITICAL DATA NEEDED 1. No of regional and national students enrolled in new specialized Master, PhD, post- grad, post-doc and/or short-term courses/ programs [% of which are females ] Measures regionality; “regional” = African students who are not from the country hosting the particular ACE; Master and PhD Students to be counted here should have completed at least one semester at the ACE; Each student can be counted only once.; Distance students (i.e. online) may be counted but will not carry same value; In case of significant disruptions the World Bank determines if students have completed a full semester or not Bio-data, full contact information, course (indicating if MA, BA, PhD, post-grad, post-doc or short-term), nationality and gender of all students enrolled in the courses that form part of the ACE Project. Number of national students would also need to be tracked (for comparison reasons). Data would have to be disaggregated by gender. 2. No. of accredited education programs (international, regional, national, evaluation, peer review, etc.) Measures the quality of training provided; Data provided should indicate name of the accrediting body and programme or course accredited; Internationally accreditation should be by a body accepted by the World Bank). Title, level (PhD, Masters, Bachelor's, Diploma, etc.), type of accreditation, date of accreditation, expiry of accreditation and accrediting agency/ institution. the type of international accreditation done (i.e. Gap assessment by external agency; Self- evaluation per int’l standards; Regional (WAHO/CAMES)/ sub-regional/ National Accreditation or ISO; Bologna Compliant programs (details to be specified)
Performance Indicators INDICATOR NAMEDESCRIPTION CRITICAL DATA NEEDED 3 No. of Students /faculty with at least 1 month internship in a company or a local institution relevant to their field/ sector (→ Outreach) Measures the level of outreach Data provided should indicate if intern is student or faculty Details on the host institution should be provided and should indicate whether it is public or private Name and contacts of intern; year of study if a student; duration of internship (start and end dates); Diplomas, certificates, credits, etc. earned; host institution name, status and contacts 4. Amount of externally generated revenue by the ACEs. Refers to revenue generated externally and deposited into the ACE’s account Excludes all government education and research subventions, including research grants (sale of consultancy work to the government is accepted as externally generated revenue). Tuition fees, other student fees, sale of consultancies, joint research, fund raising and donations, etc. Funds from other governments, including donor assistance (these are however discounted by half because they are regarded as short-term funding) 7. Increase of internationally recognized research publications in disciplines supported by the ACE- Programme (in %) (→ Research Quantity and Quality) Measures research output and determines quality of knowledge generated based on visibility in internationally recognised journals and for a Data to be obtained from bibliometric database Names of authors and contacts; institutional affiliation; references
SUMMARY RESULTS Project Inception to date ACE LEVEL RESULTS INDICATORS BASELINE (NOV. 2013) YEAR 1 TARGETS STATUS TO DATE PROGRESS VARIANCE RESULTS VS ANNUAL TARGET REGIONALITY & OUTREACH 1. No of regional and national students (disaggregated) enrolled in new specialized short-term courses, Master, PhD, programs [No of which are females] 2,0865,3831,88635%-3,497 1b. No. of regional students enrolled in specific specialised/ new ACE courses 3321, % No. of Students /faculty with at least 1 month internship in a company or a local institution relevant to their field/ sector 1,3832,3991,22751%-1, % (and number) of regional students studying for a longer-term (at least 1 semester/ academic term) in ACEs, in a discipline supported through the ACE-Programme 1,0581, %-1, No of partnership agreements between ACEs and engaged Partner Institutions %-116
ACE LEVEL RESULTS INDICATORS BASELINE (NOV. 2013) YEAR 1 TARGETS STATUS TO DATEPROGRESS VARIANCE RESULTS VS ANNUAL TARGETS TRAINING & RESEARCH QUALITY 2. No. of accredited education programs (international, regional, national, evaluation, peer review, etc.) % Amount of externally generated revenue by the ACEs as paid into the designated ACE- Programme account 24,547,76249,388,4194,265,5479%-45,122, No of regional and national faculty trained by the ACEs % No of newly established or substantially revised curricula %-66 RESEARCH QUANTITY & QUALITY 7. Increase of internationally recognized research publications by the ACEs %-283 ADMIN. & GOVERNANCE QUALITY 10. ACE-Programme Implementation team meetings with openly disclosed minutes %-66
REPORTING RESULTS Challenges: 1.Submission delays/ Non-submission (17 out of 19 submitted; defaulters = CENTDFB & CETIC) 2.Non-adherence to instructions for completion of reporting template (incomplete data, wrong calculation, etc.) Remedial Measures: 1.Reminders via & telephone 2.Sample completed reports provided for reference 3.Baseline used on assumption that nothing was achieved over the reporting period 4.Tutorial case study
DATA VERIFICATION Prior to the RFU data may be reviewed by national review committees or agencies in charge of HE All data submitted will be verified by the RFU (AAU) and an independent third party Data on research publications and accreditation will be verified from internationally recognized bibliometric data bases and accreditation agencies Verification will involve interactions with stakeholders including students Important to submit data on time so they can be verified and appropriate disbursements made on time
TIMELINES & NEXT STEPS 1.Update report to April 2015 and submit latest May 30, Update records, RF and data collection forms regularly 3.Submit end of year report and duly completed data collection forms latest October 15, This submission is crucial for the determination of disbursements 4.Data collection forms will be required for verification of data Details and other related issues to be discussed during M&E parallel session THANK YOU! MERCI BEAUCOUP!