Celebrating 10 Years of Improving Lives ME /CFS Fibromyalgia Chronic Lyme MCS / EI Gulf War Illness One Voice, One Community, One Cause™ PANDORA strives to alleviate the suffering caused by NEI diseases through advocacy and public, patient and physician education. Thank you to our dedicated board members ! PANDORA partners with organizations, collaborates with academia, the biotech industry & health agencies.
The kick off for the program was at the 2007 PANDORA-sponsored IACFS/ME Conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Our Main Advocacy Project: The Advocates Extraordinaire™ Leadership Program has been successful since It provides advocacy training so patients, caregivers and family members can effectively speak to government leaders, to the media and to the public.
Other PANDORA Projects: Empty Chair Project™ Pediatric Pennies™ I Need a Hero Project™ Quality of Life Project™ NEI Center™ PANDORA Provides Assistance to Other Projects: Speak Up About ME MCWPA Lymenaide Bringing Ryan Home Coalition 4 ME/CFS
PANDORA’s Grants Coastal Construction Forest Laboratories HHV-6 Foundation Purdue Pharma Some of our Micro Grants Given: Nancy Klimas, MD-(UM) Gordon Broderick, PhD Vermont CFIDS Association VA Foundation of So. Fla. National Fibromyalgia Assoc. John K Chia, MD Michael H. Antoni, PhD Fundación para la Fibromialgia y el Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica Some Grants We Have Received: Pro-Health Mark Iverson Silverman, Oren & Mayer families.
PANDORA’s Position on ME/CFS and Government Policy CDC: NCHS-Follow your own policy and announce the director’s decision on the Coalition 4 ME/CFS proposal to have CFS reclassified in the neurological chapter of the ICD-10-CM so it is aligned with the WHO ICD-10. As recommended at C&M ICD9- CM meeting in 2011, this change must be made before the ICD- 10-CM is implemented. CFS Program - Support the Coalition 4 ME/CFS reclassification proposal and work with the ME/CFS scientific and patient advocacy community to change the name of the disease / illness. CFS Program - Continue to make changes in the CDC website as recommended by the CFSAC, researchers and clinicians, as well as the Coalition 4 ME/CFS and other patient advocacy organizations.
PANDORA’s Position on ME/CFS and Government Policy NIH: The now correctly-named ME/CFS Special Emphasis Panel should announce their next meeting date and roster - or say when such announcement will be made. No information has been released since at least June Appropriate a fair share to ME/CFS research funding, as the prevalence, cost and personal impact demands. Raise it from being 220 th out of 232 illnesses in funding. Make ME/CFS a priority. Send a “full court press” message that the NIH wants more ME/CFS researchers to apply for grants. FDA: Meet with stakeholders about fast- tracking the ME/CFS treatment approval process. Social Security: Place severe ME/CFS on the list of compassionate allowances. AHRQ: Educate doctors
Hope, the only Antidote. ™ T H A N K Y O U ! Check out our new website: 10 Years and Counting… Hooray! Our niche and our strength comes from our seeking partnerships and collaborations and providing support to other organizations and individuals who are ready to make a difference. We look forward to continuing to work with you on improving the quality of life of ME/CFS patients.