Session Agenda Session Overview & Panel Introduction ERC Overview


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Presentation transcript:

The Army Expeditionary Rail Center (ERC) in Afghanistan (Session Overview) Session Agenda Session Overview & Panel Introduction ERC Overview CENTCOM ERC Proof of Principle TRADOC ERC Training Concept Employer Partnership Office Session Audience Q&A The Panel COL Dave Pollard, Military Surface Deployment & Distribution Command (SDDC) MAJ Tim Christensen, Afghan Railway Assessment Team (ARAT) COL Larry McColpin, Office of US Army Chief of Transportation (OCOT) / Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM) Ms. Erin Thede, Office of Chief Army Reserve (OCAR), Employer Partnership Office (EPO) 25 SEP 12 ERC in Afghan Session - The Agenda (COL Pollard): A) Correlation with two 24 SEP 12 NDTA Forum Sessions: New Frontiers / New Opportunities for Cost Efficiencies Using Rail on Large and Small Volume Shipments : a) ERC focus is on recruiting and retention of Soldiers with Civilian Acquired Skills . b) Freight rail expertise in SDDC aligned USAR units can inform planning, modeling and RDD calculations for effective integration of all surface modes (multi modal & inter modal) to provide best value to DOD/nation). An Interagency Transportation perspective, including DOD overseas: The ERC is more than Interagency/Whole of Gov’t … it’s Whole of Nation. ERC capability can be leveraged along with other agencies . When integrated as a DOD member to an interagency railway effort the ERC not only provides for Soldier / civilian acquired skills capability, but also railway advisory and assistance capacity to explain, demonstrate, guide and enable HN railway integration and velocity. With openness and transparency … we avoid untested preset ideas through the elimination of stove pipes and bureaucratic friction … Integrate the ERC because industry is almost always faster than gov’t! B) ERC Overview (COL Pollard): 1) FEB 12 DTJ Feature Article. 2) 5 Ws and How ERC is organized and employed, along with way ahead to ERC Activation Date of 16 SEP 15. C) CENTCOM ERC Proof of Principal (MAJ Christensen): Afghan Railway Assessment Team (ARAT) Team 1 assigned to ISAF with focus on strategic / stability contribution. Team 2 currently deployed assigned to TSC / JSC-A with focus on operational utilization of Afhan railway for surface movements. Following activation the ERC capacity will allow for multiple teams simultaneously employed covering Full Spectrum Operations (FSO) in all phases of an engagement/operation. D) TRADOC ERC Training Concept (COL McColpin): ERC at 184 spaces will receive MOS & ASI training through partnership between TRADOC, USAR, Freight Rail Industry, and Civilian Training Institutions. E) Employer Partnership Office (EPO) (Ms. Erin Thede): 1) Mutually beneficial opportunities for Soldiers, Employers, The Army, and our Nations Security. 2) The freight rail industry and the Army have similar cultures where we are transient and respond 24/7/365 in all weather conditions. It’s a Win/Win: Freight rail industry draws upon Soldiers for their leadership and high retention prospect. The Army Reserve draws upon freight rail employees for their technical skills.

The Army ERC in Afghanistan (Panel Introduction) COL David T. Pollard Chief Reserve Affairs, SDDC 1 Soldier Way Scott AFB, IL 62225 Office: 618-220-5866 COL Larry McColpin Deputy of Chief, USAR Affairs CASCOM, Ft Lee, VA 23801 Office: 804-734-2465 MAJ Tim Christensen Afghan Rail Assessment Team SDDC, G3 IMA / USAR CELL: 860-268-1486 Panel members provide summary of their experience germane to their involvement with the ERC Force Design Update (FDU) and continuing effort up to the ERC activation on 16 SEP 15. COL Pollard: Business Education BBA/MBA, 1983-90 757th Trans Bn (Railway ), ARCENT OIF OPG Log Planner - Theater Railway Planning during OEF 1, Theater Movement Control integration of Iraqi Rail during OIF 1, 2007-08 National Security Policy and Process SSC Fellowship (analysis of whole of gov’t and nation approaches), 2008-09 US Army Chief of Trans Integrated Planning Team (IPT) Lead for Army Rail Force Design Update, 2011-Present SDDC facilitation of sourcing of individuals for ARAT 1 and 2. COL McColpin: 2010-12 US Army Chief of Trans IPT Lead for Army Rail Force Design Update and Freight Rail Industry Training Partnership Development. MAJ Christensen: Civilian Business Background, Army Reserve 226th Railway Company Commander, Freight Rail Training Partnership Experience with Pioneer Valley Railroad, OIF deployment in support of Iraqi Railway Operations, OEF ARAT 1 Deployment. Ms. Erin Thede: Experience with connecting USAR Soldiers with Civilian Employers to benefit the Soldier, Employer, the Army, and our Nation. Ms. Erin Thede Director, Employer Partnership Office Office of the Chief Army Reserve Office: 703-806-7462

ERC (MTOE 55612R000) Overview ERC Force Design Update Overview ERC HQ 5-0-9-14 RAILWAY PLANNING & ADVISORY SECTION 30-5-135-170 RAILWAY PLANNING AND ADVISORY TEAM 6-1-27-34 ERC Force Design Update Overview Army Title 10 Requirement Gap & Functional Needs Analysis Modernizing US Army Rail Full Spectrum Operations (FSO) ERC organization & mission contrast with current Army rail capability Defense Distribution Process Owner Options Global Force Management Implementation Guidance Tailored Employment & Flexible C2 Relationships Mission: To provide rail network capability and infrastructure assessments, perform rail mode feasibility studies and advise on employment of rail capabilities, coordinate rail and bridge safety assessments, perform and assist with rail planning, coordinate use of Host Nation (HN) or contracted rail assets. Perform Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) duties to oversee contracts and provide quality assurance of the contracts ERC FDU Overview Bullet Points (1 of 2) 1- BG Layer/ COT – With possibility of Total Army Analysis (TAA) 10-15 eliminating rail from force structure, he initiated effort ICW Chief of Army Reserve (CAR) LTGStultz to keep a relevant railway capability in the Army (Relevant defined as effective & efficient) 1- BG Dorman / COT – Identified a Title 10 requirement gap: Support COCOMs with effective utilization of rail as a strategic & operational multiplier for FSOs. Functional Needs Analysis identified effective (integrated, responsive, continuous, and adaptive) rail planning, assessment, analysis, & advisement as a Geographic COCOM requirement. 2- BG Farmen / COT - Infrastructure & theater trans are connected to broader geo-strategic environment - focus on modernizing Army rail to get the most from Host Nation (HN) resources within the trans spectrum (strategic stability and operational velocity). 2- TAA reduced military transportation assets, do more with less and utilizing HN rail as one way of mitigating this challenge. 2- The ERC augments any COCOM effort with deliberate planning & advising on HN rail utilization to support military strategic & operational requirements – Strategic/Regional Stability & Operational/Expand & expedite Deploy-Sustainment Distribution-Redeploy. 3- ERC will provide a FSO capability in all phases of an operation (Phase 0 / Deploy-Sustain-Redeploy / Return to sustained Phase 0). 3-In FSO the ERC capability is a means to enduring security for the HN. The ERC can simultaneously contribute to military deployment & distribution velocity, employment of an indigenous population, and a HN’s regional economic development – Good for Global Economy and Security. 4- 23 yrs since Army rail FDU. The organization & mission of the 757th ERC contrasts significantly w/ 757th Trans Battalion (Railway). 4- The legacy 757th Trans Battalion (Railway) organized for purely an operational rail mission and was last used during Korean Conflict (OIF clearly indicated it was time for Army Rail FDU) … The ERC retains minimal operational capability (CONUS DOD Installation or Seaport / OCONUS Theater Seaport or FOB IAW countering threat to port throughput), ERC provides primarily (railroad experts paving way for theater logistics commands and SDDC commercial partners to integrate HN rail capability and capacity): 1) Rail Network Capability & Infrastructure Assessments. 2) Rail Mode Feasibility Studies & Advise on Employment of Rail Capabilities. 3) Advisors on railway ops to include interface & collaboration with HN officials to improve national rail business model. 4) Coordinate use & deconflict HN or contracted rail assets. 5) Perform COR duties to oversee contracts & provide contract quality assurance. HQDA FDU approval - 757th ERC activation 16 Sept 2015. ERC Way Ahead Continuing Proof of Principal - ARAT USAR ERC HQ and Team Stationing USAR Employer Partnership OCOT Training Partnership

ERC (MTOE 55612R000) Overview ERC Force Design Update Overview ERC HQ 5-0-9-14 RAILWAY PLANNING & ADVISORY SECTION 30-5-135-170 RAILWAY PLANNING AND ADVISORY TEAM 6-1-27-34 ERC Force Design Update Overview Army Title 10 Requirement Gap & Functional Needs Analysis Modernizing US Army Rail Full Spectrum Operations (FSO) ERC organization & mission contrast with current Army rail capability Defense Distribution Process Owner Options Global Force Management Implementation Guidance Tailored Employment & Flexible C2 Relationships Mission: To provide rail network capability and infrastructure assessments, perform rail mode feasibility studies and advise on employment of rail capabilities, coordinate rail and bridge safety assessments, perform and assist with rail planning, coordinate use of Host Nation (HN) or contracted rail assets. Perform Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) duties to oversee contracts and provide quality assurance of the contracts ERC FDU Overview Bullet Points (2 of 2): 5- The ERC will contribute to the Defense Distribution Process Owner (DDPO) alternatives for sustaining the velocity of deployment, distribution, and redeployment. Acknowledging conditions of theater of operations anti-access or area denial, the DDPO must not be beholden to a single HN for a theater sustaining LOC. For example, today the NDN has multiple options from origin to destination, and provides an alternative to the PAK GLOC for movement of military and other cargo into and out of Afghanistan. 6/7- Global Force Management Implementation Guidance (GFMIG): Current Geo COCOM Coordination with USTC for use of Legacy Army Rail Capability – Enduring GFMIG objective is to apportion ERC to USTC for Deliberate & Contingency Planning (SDDC executes planning and technical training readiness oversight (TTRO) as the USTC Army Component Command) – Deliberately integrated in all Geo COCOM Plans and Ops (tailored employment with flexible C2 options consistent with a theater of operations maturity and size). 6/7- Key Army structure guidance in HQDA FY13 Campaign Plan Guidance: Versatile mix of tailorable organizations, operating on a rotational cycle for sustained flow of FSO forces. Tremendous and continuing change requires balance of operating and generating force requirements and balance of requirements with affordability. With these qualities in mind the ERC is organized for rotational readiness, as well as, tailorable employment with flexible C2 options. Its in the USAR for affordability and access to civilian acquired skills through partnership with the freight railway industry.. With the 757th ERC activation on 16 Sept 2015. The ERC way ahead … Continue Proof of Principal for ERC Tailorable Employment & Flexible C2 Options. Stationing USAR decision: HQ COAs - 1)Scott AFB w/ USTC, SDDC, TEA 2) Joint Base Langley-Eustis near Army COT 3) Fort Belvoir for emphasis on interagency integration. ERC Team COAs put preference on locating in interchange cities near freight rail home terminals – access to civilian acquired skills from multiple railroads is best to sustain employer partnerships. HQDA FDU approval - 757th ERC activation 16 Sept 2015. ERC Way Ahead Continuing Proof of Principal - ARAT USAR ERC HQ and Team Stationing USAR Employer Partnership OCOT Training Partnership

ARAT 1 (ERC Proof of Principle in CENTCOM) ARAT 1 Task Objectives Afghan Rail Authority (ARA) Creation Standards and Regulation Development National Rail Plan (NRP) Contract Negotiation Advisory Human Capacity Building MeS-Haritan Rail line operational ARAT 1 Task Objectives/Goals: A) Afghanistan Rail Authority (ARA) Creation: •First accomplishment was the creation of a rail authority structure •Next step is to build out the documentation for the authority which includes but is not limited to: 1) Detailed functions and responsibilities for each department. 2) Full job descriptions including detailed responsibilities. 3) Challenges each department will face over time including growth of staff when the railway system grows . 4)Training, both initial and ongoing professional development. 5) Equipment needed for each department. B) Standards and Regulation Development: Creation of the regulations and policies for the ARA. C) National Rail Plan: •Map out mine tenders, commodity, projected volumes, when they come on-line •Map out rail routes, grades, # of tracks •Work will include reach back to the TEA (Transportation Engineering Agency) D) Contract Negotiation Advisory: •Assist in the completion of the O&M contract •Assist with contract review related to railway construction E) Human Capacity Building: Dependent on having Afghans to train. 1) Create training plan for Afghans to become Railroaders . 2) Create Training Plan for ARA Afghans. If Afghans are involved in the development of the regulations they will understand their importance. F) MeS-Haritan Rail line operational: •Assist Ministry of Public Works in the additions to the O&M contract •Complete O&M contract review •Proof of Principle for Afghanistan: 1) ISAF re-posture for ARA and Nat’l Rail Plan Development 2) Work with USAID ADB and other NGO’s for customer base development •Observe Trans operations to assure that they are performing within the contract specifications •Train, Advise, Assist ISAF with planning and execution of rail operations for Reverse NDN ARAT 1 Contributions ARA Structure, Department Functions, and Job Descriptions NRP mine tenders and commodity mapping Assisted Ministry of Public Works with O&M contract completion Railroad 101 Training O&M review for Ministry of Mines, ISAF, and US Embassy

ARAT 2 (ERC Proof of Principle in CENTCOM) ARAT 2 CONOPS ICW HN, develop TTPs to expand and provide a reliable transportation option via the NDN in support of ISAF redeploying equipment to meet the FY 2014 drawdown goal. Coordinate with DOT, ISAF, CENTCOM, SDDC, & Afghan governmental agencies to improve rail network capability and infrastructure, advise on employment of rail capabilities & assist in the development of the Afghan Nation Railroad as it relates to stability ops & ISAF redeployment goals. Provide Proof of Principal for the ERC. ARAT 2 PURPOSE: Provide rail mode feasibility, capability and infrastructure assessments, and advise on employment of rail to support the redeployment of international forces and equipment. Assist U.S. and Afghan governmental agencies in developing a strategic plan for a national rail capability. MISSION: In coordination with host nation, develop techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) to expand and provide a reliable transportation option via the NDN in support of ISAF redeploying equipment to meet the FY 2014 drawdown goal. Coordinate with DOS, DOT, ISAF, CENTCOM, SDDC, and Afghan governmental agencies to improve rail network capability and infrastructure, advise on employment of rail capabilities, and assist in the development of the Afghan Nation Railroad as it relates to stability operations and ISAF redeployment goals. Provide proof of principle (PoP) for the Expeditionary Rail Command (ERC), scheduled to stand up 15 September 2015. The ERC is the U.S. Army's emerging force design to provide Theater level railway planning, coordination, and advisory capability. TEAM COMPOSITION: Comprised of 5 Soldiers from Army Reserve and Army National Guard Team members were called to active duty for a one year period Selected based upon civilian skill set 4 of the 5 team members are professionals within the railroad industry All have significant railroad supervisory or management experience Over 55 years of combined railroad experience ARAT 2 Task Objectives Provide CENTCOM, 1st TSC, and JSC-A distribution planners a reliable, consistent transportation capability to support future redeployment operations. Provide Theater Commander the railroad expertise to coordinate with alongside NGO/GO in support of Full Spectrum Operations. Validate capabilities and requirements of the future ERC.

CASCOM/OCOT ERC Training Concept Emerging Training Concept 88U10 U.S. Army Transportation School Military Rail System Assessments Commercial Rail Training Partners 88U30 Commercial Rail Industry & Rail Training Partnerships 88U40 Commercial Rail Industry & Rail Training Partnerships Legacy Training 88P / Rail Equipment Maintenance 88T / Maintenance of Way 88U / Locomotive Crew Member New Training 88U10 / Railway Specialist, Rail Equipment Maintenance, Maintenance of Way, Locomotive Crew Member 88U20 / Senior Railway Specialist 88U30 / Railway Advisor 88U40 / Senior Railway Advisor Recommended approach is commercial rail industry partnership New Training: 88U20 ‘Senior Railway Specialist’/ Skill Level 10 Qualification Course differs from “Railway Advisor” / Railway Advisor Training. Emerging Training Concepts for ERC: Training venues will include assisting the Transportation Corps Rail Safety Specialist in conducting Rail Safety Assessments of the military railroad system. Will also seek to develop agreements to enable units to work with local commercial rail companies as training partners. Sustainment (Inactive Duty / Annual Training) training precedent set with Pioneer Valley Railroad Several Class I Railroads express interest in training and employer partnerships with the Army Combined Arms Support Command (CASCOM), US Army Transportation School and Rail Experts will develop the curriculum for a skill level 10 88U qualification course that will replace the existing 88U/P/T courses. We expect this course to range in the 12-14 week timeframe with the T-School responsible for instruction. Our goal is for this school to begin instruction in late FY14. Need for Army qualification of higher skill level rail assessment/advisory ability. Designate as a Railway Additional Skill Identifier (ASI) for both senior enlisted and officers (According to Army G1 the ERC officer density alone will not support ASI and Senior NCOs will also require the skill). ASI training COAs include utilizing Class 1 railroad training facilities or private/public technical rail schools to teach this ASI curriculum. CASCOM, US Army Transportation School and Rail Experts will participate in determining the ASI curriculum. Also work with TRADOC to gain civilian acquired skills equivalency credit for skill level 10 88U qualification and/or railway ASI. Waiver of qualification courses provides costs savings. Possible private / public technical schools to with potential for creating an ASI qualifying program:   a) Georgia: Clayton State College. CSX, Norfolk Southern and Clayton have created rail curriculum for the civilian railroad to include conductors, technicians, etc. b) Kansas: Johnson County College c) Montana: Montana State University d) Nebraska: Metropolitan College in Omaha and Western Nebraska College in Alliance e) Texas: Tarrant County College in Fort Worth f) Wyoming: Northern Wyoming College in both Gillette and Sheridan

ERC Employer & Training Partnership EPO Overview About the Employer Partnership Working with Program Support Managers Creating a Better Workplace Benefits to Candidates Benefits to Employers Freight Rail Industry Employer/Training Partnership Potential Training to Industry and Military Standard Enabling the development of Civilian Acquired Skills Shared resource that works in rail industry for both jobs…..Military and Civilian Contact the Employer Partnership Office Building 1901 6075 Goethals Road Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Toll Free: Work 877-450-HIRE(4473) Employer Inquiries: Soldier Inquiries: Most Civilian Freight Rail Companies are Military-Friendly Employers Military recruiting events Actively seek employees with Armed Forces experience Career opportunities based on military experience Large Ratio of employees have or are serving in the military Honored to have veterans and reserve component Soldiers in their ranks Sustaining this critical expeditionary and international engagement capability can be accomplished in part through effective stationing of the ERC Planning and Advisory Teams. Locate in cities with Class 1 and/or 2 Railroad interchange home terminals. Additionally, we will continue to capitalize on the benefits of the Employer Partnership Office, an initiative began by the Lt. Gen. Stultz.  This partnership is a win-win situation for service members, employers and the nation as a whole. Today many commercial railroads are Employer Partners. Commercial railroads are a fine example of the potential for access to civilian acquired skills. Employer Partnership Office offers a great opportunity for the USAR to draw upon the rail expertise offered by employees in these companies. The industry actively seeks to hire employees with military experience who are a good fit for the 24 / 7 / 365 culture of the railroad industry and military experience translates to management opportunities. Hire Service Members Who Are Pre-Screened and Expertly Trained