Citizens’ observatoriers – CITI-SENSE approach Hai-Ying Liu, Arne J. Berre, CITI-SENSE consortium,
General info of the CITI-SENSE project R&D questions CITI-SENSE citizens’ observatories approach R&D challenges Opportunity for solutions Presentation outline
–CITI-SENSE is a collaborative project –Call: FP7-ENV –Starting date: 1 October 2012 –Duration: 48 months –Partners organizations: 28, 12 countries –Grant agreement nº: –Web portal: –Citizens’ observatory central web portal: –CITI-SENSE is a collaborative project –Call: FP7-ENV –Starting date: 1 October 2012 –Duration: 48 months –Partners organizations: 28, 12 countries –Grant agreement nº: –Web portal: –Citizens’ observatory central web portal: Basic data
Objective Develop Citizens’ Observatories and empower citizens to – Participate in environmental monitoring – Influence community policy & decision making – Contribute to Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
R&D questions How to best improve urban life quality with citizens’ involvement? How to recruit citizens to participate in environmental governance? How can sensor data complement other data sources? How can sensors lead to a greater involvement of citizens? How can citizens’ data be used in science? How will raised citizens’ awareness of pollution affect behavior?
CITI-SENSE approach To answer the R&D questions, what is the CITI-SENSE approach?
Citizens’ observatories initiatives Three empowerment initiatives – Outdoor AQ – Indoor AQ in schools – Personal comfort in public spaces More than 20 citizens’ observatories across nine cities – Eight for outdoor AQ – Up to 10 for indoor AQ in schools – Four for personal comfort in public spaces
Innovative technologies High technology environmental sensors, innovative data fusion and communication paired with scientific analysis and efficient communications with users and the public
Innovative technologies Deploy static (fixed) and mobile (personal) sensors to monitor various environmental components. UV NO 2 +O 3 AQ Temp
Innovative technologies Combine new sensing technology, ICT platforms and participatory methods into useful products.
GEOSS Clearinghouse GEOSS Portal GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Mediation Tier Community Catalogues Alert Servers Workflow Management Processing Servers Test Facility Access Brokers Discovery/Acce ss/Broker Access Tier GEONETCastAccess Brokers Sensor Web Model Web Long Term Archives From GEOSS Community Portal Recommendations Team:
GEOSS Portal Components & Services Community Portals Registered Community Catalogues Registered Access Brokers DAB Community Catalogues Access Brokers GEOSS Clearinghouse Discover/Link Search Long Term Archives Search Access Registered Long Term Archives Access Includes Discovery/Link of Community Portal Community Portal provides focused view of relevant GEOSS resources Supports integration of GEOSS and non-GEOSS resources for particular discipline Portal In to GCI Discoverable Resources
Citizens’ observatory central portal Gateway to the various citizens’ observatories
Citizens’ observatory central portal – Access to various citizens’ observatories o Outdoor AQ o Indoor AQ in schools o Personal comfort in public spaces o Citizens’ objective voices – Access all project sensor data in one interface – Open API enables GEOSS functional integration into citizens’ observatories central web portal
R&D challenges Alignment across a variety of R&D disciplines – Natural science, social science, sensor technology, ICT Efficient dialogue with citizens Efficient citizens participation and empowerment Bridging information demand and supply Integration across data types and cities New knowledge on how urban pollution affects citizens Technological development – Sensors modified for CITI-SENSE o Performance of most sensors is unknown o Long-term reliability is unknown – Citizens’ mobile apps – Real-time information – Cutting edge visualization – Innovative monitoring approach – GEOSS integration
Our goal is to meet challenges Opportunity for solutions Challenges in data quality, interpretation and communication Responsible use of air pollution sensor data Evaluation of low-cost sensor for critical pollutants: validation and calibration, assessing uncertainty Big Data: expand the amount of data/information Development of IT infrastructure and new data streams Integrating the data/information with other relevant data/information: data assimilation Guidance and advice on sensor/sensor platform use and data interpretation Visualizations will be helpful for making sense of data
Opportunities Supplementing routine ambient air monitoring networks Monitoring personal exposure Air quality sensors can be coupled with physiological sensors (heart speed, blood pressure, respiratory rate, etc.) Small, lower-cost sensors bring new challenges but along with these challenges come great opportunities to improve air quality management and public health. 3S principle: Increasing Sensitivity Selectivity Stability
Monitoring at the source Stimulate participation and encourage the dialogue – Gamification – Augmented reality Opportunities
Cluster cooperation with four other projects – Citclops – COBWEB – Omniscientis – WeSenseIt All five projects focus on different environmental topics, but share common goals Have common challenges Projects overview: Knowledge from public Opportunities
Thank you for your attention! Hai-Ying Liu, WP4: Citizens’ observatory, Arne J. Berre, WP7, Architecture, Project coordinator: Alena Bartonova Project website:
Side Event on Wednesday CITIZENS OBSERVATORIES, Wednesday January 15 th, , Room 15 – Level 1 The Citizens Observatories side event will have presentations by representatives from five ongoing European FP7 projects in the area of Citizens Observatories, The session will be introduced by EU research programme officer, Jose Miguel Rubio Iglesisas, from DG Research & Innovation I4, Climate Action and Earth Observation, Earth Observation Sector. The session will be chaired by Max Craglia, senior scientist at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) in the Digital Earth and Reference Data Unit. 1.CITI-SENSE "Development of Sensor-based Citizens' Observatory Community for Improving Quality of Life in Cities 2.WeSenseIt "WeSenseIT: Citizen Observatory of Water" 3.COBWEB "Citizen Observatory Web" 4.Citclops "Citizens' Observatory for Coast and Ocean Optical Monitoring" 5.OMNISCIENTIS "Odour Monitoring and Information System based on Citizen and Technology Innovative Sensors"