Organisational Journey Challenges of Spreading self- management support Workshop 3 13 th May 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Organisational Journey Challenges of Spreading self- management support Workshop 3 13 th May 2015

Challenges Leadership & Supportive infrastructure Building /resourcing whole-systems approach to supporting self-management and getting full-take up across the local health & social care economy Developing a common language across the WHOLE local economy Outreach to whole workforce at the same time Clear and consistent approach to supporting self- management – keeping consistent standards Cultural shift – time and focus needed – huge numbers Whilst all sites have some good strategic leaders and clinical / managerial leadership – it is not consistent across all parts of the system

Challenges Engaging Service Users Patient Power remains under-utilised Skills /development Maintaining capacity to deliver programmes When Teams are to be supported, significant effort and investment can be required, for example, staff can lack confidence at the beginning of their journey; service specifications may need to change to support self- management; skills need to be practiced Commissioning Commissioning and securing future commitment to SMS

Looking at Networks as an example of how we’ve addressed challenges

Ayrshire & Arran Self Management Network

Key Challenges to Address Embedding and spreading SMS – whole system approach and across sectors Rising awareness and interest in self- management Activities and initiatives happening in health, social care, voluntary and independent sectors No specific forum for self management Willingness and enthusiasm to create, share learn together Providing ongoing support to clinicians and people living with long term conditions Ongoing ‘expert’ support/coaching following training programmes Peer support important Developing a common language across the WHOLE local economy E.g supported self- management; Enablement; Empowerment; Recovery; Person-centred care; Co-production; Shared decision making

Aims of Ayrshire & Arran SMS Network Based on the feedback from colleagues at the first self management event, broadly, the network aims to Create a forum for sharing knowledge and information relating to self-management; and Facilitate a common understanding of what self-management encompasses Provide a mechanism for highlighting and increasing awareness of good practice Provide virtual and physical opportunities for networking and skill development Facilitate support for ‘self management champions’

Progress 360+ members Health, social care, local authority, voluntary sector, service users 3 Network learning events per year since 2013 Snapshot presentations and networking time Mixed programme – sharing learning from different sectors Wide range of topics covered

Reported Benefits of Network ‘being with like- minded people who see benefits of SMS personally and professionally’ ‘you get a mix of experiences and initiatives. It’s good to hear about and share experiences’ ‘hearing positive experiences of individuals who use SM to gain control over their condition’ ‘lets you hear about new SMS developments’ ‘reflective learning, networking, developing skills and new approaches to supporting people with LTC’ ‘networking with colleagues and finding out about available resources’ ‘helps make sense of what is out there by working in partnership/ collaboration ‘helps make sense of what is out there by working in partnership/ collaboration ‘sharing best practice across Health, Local Authority, 3rd sector and service users’

Activity: Challenges – How far do these reflect yours?

Activity: Challenges “Map” Which are the most important to you / your organisation now?

Activity: How have you progressed on the challenges so far? Challenges do not necessarily mean blocks to action Where are you in relation to yours and how have you made or used opportunities to overcome them What role has networking played or how could networking help address the challenges?

Key learning themes Align and integrate Engage Good leadership Passion, belief and resilience Work collaboratively Understand what drives behaviour change and link to SMS Resources in the current climate Networking